Fatwa declares honour killing as 'un-Islamic, 'unpardonable sin'

13 Jun, 2016

At least 40 Islamic scholars belonging to the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) issued a fatwa on Sunday declaring the murder of women or girls in the name of honour as 'un-Islamic' and an 'unpardonable sin', according to a private TV channel.
The ruling issued on the appeal of SUC chairman Sahibzada Hamid Raza declared that burning women who marry of their will is against Islamic teachings as Islam allows'mature' women to marry of her own free will.
Condemning the recent honour killings in Lahore, Abbottabad and Murree, the document states that such incidents have shaken the whole society and they reveal that we are moving towards social and societal degradation.
The fatwa also urged the government to implement proper legislation in order to curb such crimes, and declare heinous acts such as burning or killing of woman as an unpardonable crime as it is an Islamic government's responsibility to protect women rights.

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