CIA chief says secret 9/11 report not evidence of Saudi complicity

13 Jun, 2016

CIA chief John Brennan said Saturday that secret findings of a 2002 congressional investigation into the 9/11 attacks should not be taken as evidence of official Saudi complicity.
A decision is expected soon on whether to release the classified 28-page section of the report by the House and Senate intelligence committees. Former senator Bob Graham, who headed the Senate intelligence committee at the time, has alleged that Saudi officials provided assistance to the 9/11 hijackers and has said the 28 pages should be made public.
"These 28 pages, I believe they are going to come out, I think it's good that they come out. But people shouldn't take them as evidence of Saudi complicity in the attacks," Brennan said in an interview with Al Arabiya, a Saudi-owned television news channel.

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