Draft Proposal on labour policy guidelines by the approve National Industrial Relations and Provincial Tripartite Labour Convention.

14 Jun, 2016

1. An employment, productivity, and welfare oriented labour policy should be drawn at the federal/ Provincial level with consensus of stakeholders and uniformly implemented at the federal/ provincial levels through legislation to address, among others the following:-
1.1 Simplification of labour laws in one Labour Code covering six broad areas for all category of workers which would include: occupational safety & health and working conditions; service conditions; wages and compensation; industrial relations; employee welfare and social protection schemes and human resource development.
1.2 All labour laws must be in conformity with the Constitution of Pakistan and the ILO core labour standards.
1.3 In issues like EOABI, Social Security, Welfare Fund and Worker's profit participation fund where benefits travel beyond provinces in case of trans-provincial establishments, the laws should be federally administered/ promulgated as in the case of Industrial Relation Act 2012.
1.4 Benefits of companies profit through companies Profit Workers (informal workers including HB, agricultural and other), Participation law and Workers Welfare Fund law should directly transcend to the workers of the establishments earning profit.
1.5 One uniform definition for terms such as worker, employer, wages, establishments, etc in the envisaged Labour Code.
1.6 One window operation for welfare benefits so that employers and workers have to deal with only one office for paying contributions, seeking benefits and filing returns.
1.7 Employers` contribution should be supplemented with government/ workers contribution in all welfare schemes such as social security, old age benefits, etc, to help strengthen and enhance benefits under these schemes.
1.8 The governance of workers welfare bodies such as EOABI, SESSI, WWF be placed under public private partnership for administration by employers and workers to ensure that their benefits pass on to workers and beneficiaries instead of being misused and misappropriated. As long as this is not done the employers and workers representatives on these bodies should be in majority and their nomination should be obtained from nationally recognised workers and employers Federation.
1.9 Effective and efficient labour administration mechanism through properly trained and equipped labour inspectors and reform-oriented transparent labour inspection system, free of corruption, coercion and gratification should be put in place.
1.10 Separate cadre of labour judiciary and replacement of appellate tribunal providing direct access from labour courts to high courts and alternative dispute resolution mechanism be developed for smooth, efficient, prompt and transparent administration of Justice to workers and employers.
1.11 Development of sustainable social protection floor by greater expenditure allocation for social development extending wider coverage of the social net to the informal sector, agriculture, fisheries, ship breaking industry, home based workers, contractual workers, working rural women and domestic workers.
1.12 The best practices in IR by employers and workers federation/unions are recognized at the federal/ provincial level for wider dissemination and imitation.
1.13 Rights of immigrant workers should be protected in new labour codes/ laws in each embassy or consulate labour attached with the consultation of workers and employers federation.
1.14 Contract or third party contract system should be regulated.
1.15 All laws should be formulated in accordance with ILO conventions and constitution of Pakistan.
1.16 Labour Laws should be included in the academic curriculum of law colleges and business schools so that appropriate Judicial mindset can be developed in the academic phase.

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