25 more products named in compulsory item list of PSQCA

17 Jun, 2016

The government has included 25 more products to the existing compulsory item list of Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) to ensure quality culture in the country, an official told the Business Recorder on Thursday.
The PSQCA was previously mandated to check the quality of 78 items including apple juice, balanced feed mixture for live stock, vanaspati ghee, butter, carbonated beverages, chilly powder, concentrated fruit juices, condensed milk, curry powder, edible sesame seed oil, food for infants and children, flavoured milk, fruit squashes, honey, iodised salt, jams and jellies, margarine, mayonnaise, marmalade, milk powder (whole and skimmed), natural mineral water, orange juice, and bottled drinking water etc.
Now the Authority has got mandate of testing the quality of tooth-paste, toilet soap, shampoo, synthetic detergent powder for general purpose, powder hair dyes, oxidation hair dye liquid, structural steel, tin plate, urea (prilled and granular, di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP, single super phosphate, triple super phosphate, white portland cement, masonry cement, internal combustion engine lubricating oil, flexible polyurethane foam for domestic mattresses, motorcycle tyres & rims code designated series, enamel paint interior (finishing colour) Enamel paint exterior (finishing colour,) paints for vehicles, bio orgno phosphate (BOP), polypropylene woven sacks for packing (fertilisers), stainless steel for general purpose part, corrosion-resistant flat products, bullets for the production of bars (plain and deformed for concert reinforcement and steel wire rod.
"We have issued licenses to all the 25 products against a fee of Rs 6,000 from each," the official said adding that every effort was being made for strengthening quality of manufacturing products through standardisation and quality culture in both consumer market and industries. He said the DG PSQCA was giving special attention with reference to the improvement for the industrial standardisation. He added that quality culture would facilitate the business community to meet the challenges.
"As per PSQCA Act, those products that are on the PSQCA compulsory items list must not be allowed in the market, unless their products have been registered and approved by the PSQCA and hold a valid license. If any products found in the market without having the PS mark then the authority can take stern actions against the people involved in manufacturing, supply and sale of these illegal products," he said.
On the other hand, consumers say that they are not satisfied with the performance of standard authorities such as PSQCA, as substandard and poor quality items are being sold at every market with impunity. They alleged that the food inspectors and quality checkers were involved in taking bribe from manufacturers, suppliers and traders of substandard products.
The illegal businesses usually gain momentum during religious months as well as festivals such as holy month of Ramadan and Eid. Majority of consumers was not familiar with branded and quality products due to various reasons. They are offered lower quality products in the market instead of genuine one. The PSQCA is mandated to play proactive role for not only protection of consumer rights but also to facilitate the industrial business to compete in the global market on the basis of high quality products.

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