QICT given go-ahead to shift 2,200 containers

22 Jun, 2016

Model Collectorate of Customs (MCC), Port Qasim has given go-ahead to Qasim International Containers Terminal (QICT) to shift 2,200 auction containers from port to off-dock terminal to avoid port congestion; it is learnt here Tuesday. According to sources, terminal operator, which is responsible to earmark sufficient space within the designated port area for storage, handling and examination of imported cargo under Rule 554 of the SRO 450(I)/2001, has requested the customs department to allow shifting of auction containers to off-dock terminal not only to avoid port congestion but also ensure uninterrupted construction & development work inside the QICT yard.
Subsequently, the MCC, Port Qasim has evolved an SOP (valid for six months only) and allowed terminal to remove auction containers except Afghan Transit Trade cargo and those legally barred from being shifted from port. Sources said that an SOP, which would allow the transportation of auction cargo to off-dock terminal, would be applicable only for those containers, laying at QICT yard for 60 days or more.
Replying to a question, sources said that all auction containers must be properly weighed and scanned by the terminal before being allowed for removal and these containers should also be moved under customs escort and through customs authorised bonded-carriers only. When contacted, Arshad Jamal, senior vice chairman All Pakistan Customs Clearing Agents (APCAA) said that the decision was made during meeting convened by Collector Port Qasim with APCAA and QICT.
He said that SOP had been issued and now all auction containers would be removed from port within a week. He said that collector had informed the participants of the meeting that they were ready to facilitate the trade and announced to clear whole containers' pendency in examination. However, terminal is overloaded due to insufficient equipment.
He said that terminal in response to the collector admitted that they had short of equipment and remain unable to handle heavy load but assured to equip the port with all necessary machinery in next six months. Meanwhile, terminal also informed that they were presently engaging equipment from local market and hoped to manage the transportation of all 2,200 auction containers from port area to off-dock terminal till next week.

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