The Finance Bill 2016: List of amendments

24 Jun, 2016

CLAUSE 1: 1. Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 1, for sub-clause (3), the following shall be substituted, namely:
"(3) It shall come into force from the first day of July, 2016, except item (ii) and S.No 133 of item (iii) of sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (14), items (BA) and (C) of sub-paragraph (I) of paragraph (16) excluding S.No 34, paragraph (17) of clause 3; sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (7) of clause 7; the First Schedule and the Second Schedule; which shall have effect from the day next following the day of assent given to this Act by the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan."
2. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 2,
(A) after paragraph (2), the following new paragraph shall be inserted, namely:-"(2A) in section 195C,-
(a) in sub-section (2), after the word "customs", the words
"not below the rank of Collector" shall be inserted; and
(b) in sub-section (4),-
(i) for the word "forty-five", the word "ninety", shall be substituted; and (ii) for the full stop at the end a semi colon shall be substituted and thereafter the following proviso shall be added namely:-"Provided that if such order is not passed within the aforesaid period, recommendations of the committee shall be treated to be an order passed by the Board under this sub-section."; and
(c) in sub-section (5), after the expression "(4)", the expression "or as per recommendations of the committee in terms of proviso to sub-section (4), as the case may be," shall be inserted. ; and (B) in paragraph (3) and (4), amendments in the First and Second Schedules are set out at S.No 8 and 9 of this Notice.

to move-

That in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 2, in sub-clause (1), the following new proviso , shall be added.-
" Provided that such international financial institution or foreign government owned financial institution operating under a memorandum of understanding, an agreement or any other arrangement with the Government of Pakistan must limit the work for natural disaster or prescribed Pakistani citizens welfare purposes and should not have type of work in any meaning against national security and national economic interests." "
4. Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 3,
(a) in paragraph (1), in sub paragraph (iii), in item (b), for the word "clause", the word "sub-clause" shall be substituted; (b) after paragraph (9), the following new paragraph shall be inserted, namely:-"(9A) in section 47A,-
(i) in sub-section (2), the word "Additional" shall be omitted; and
(ii) in sub-section (4),-
(A) for the word "forty-five", the word "ninety"
shall be substituted; and
(B) for the full stop at the end, a colon shall be substituted, and thereafter the following new proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that if such order is not passed by the Board within the aforesaid period, the recommendation of the Committee shall be treated to be an order passed by the Board under this sub-section.";
(c) in paragraph (14),-
(i) for the following expression-
"(a) in Table-1, in column (1), after serial number 100 and entries relating thereto in columns (2) and (3), the following new serial numbers and corresponding entries thereto shall be inserted and thereafter Annex-I shall be added; namely:", the following shall be substituted, namely:-
"(a) in Table-1, in column (1),-
(i) after serial number 100 and entries relating thereto in columns (2) and (3), the following new serial numbers and corresponding entries thereto shall be inserted and thereafter Annex-I shall be added, namely:"
(ii) after item (i), substituted as aforesaid, the following new
items shall be inserted, namely:-
"(ia) against serial number 103, in column (2), the expression "of gross tonnage of less than 15 LDT" shall be omitted;
(ib) against serial number 105, in column (2), for the word "ten", the word "eleven" shall be substituted;
(ic) against serial number 110, in column (2),-
(a) against sub-serial (b), in column (3), for the figure "8539.3990", the figure "8539.3290" shall be substituted;
(b) against sub-serial (c), in column (3), for the figure "9405.1090", the figure "8539.3290, 8543.7090 and 9405.4090" shall be substituted; and
(c) after sub-serial (g) and the entries relating thereto in column (3), the following sub-serials and the entries relating thereto shall be added, namely:-

(h) Tubular day lighting device 9405.5010
(i) Energy saver lamps 8539.3110
and tube lights of 8539.3120
varying voltages
(operating on AC or DC)
(j) Invertors (off-grid/on 8504.4090
grid/hybrid) with
provision for direct
connection/input from
renewable energy
source and with
Maximum Power Point
Tracking (MPPT)

(iii) in item (ii), the word "and" at the end shall be omitted and thereafter the following new item shall be inserted, namely:-
"(iia) serial number 119 and the entries relating thereto in columns (2) and (3) shall be omitted;
(iib) in serial number 123, after the word "lease", a colon and the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that in case of import or acquisition on wet or dry lease by Pakistan International Airlines Corporation, this exemption shall be available with effect from 19th March, 2015."; and
(iv) in item (iii), in the proposed table, against serial number 133, in column (3), for the figure "38.03", the figure "38.08" shall be substituted; and
(v) for sub-paragraph (b), the following shall be substituted, namely:-
"(b) in Table-3, in the Annexure, in column (1),-
(i) against serial number 4, in column (2), after the word "pick-ups", the words "and dump trucks" shall be inserted; and
(ii) against serial number 14, in column (2),-
(A) against sub-serials (c) and (d), in column (3), for the figures "8539.3910", occurring twice, the figure "8539.3110" shall be substituted; and
(B) against sub-serial (i), in column (3), for the figure "8539.3920", the figure "8539.3120" shall be substituted;";
(d) in paragraph (16),-
(i) in sub-paragraph (I),-
(A) after item (B), the following new items shall
be inserted, namely:-
"(BA) against serial number 25, in column (4), for the figure "10%", the figure "5%" shall be substituted; and
"(BB) against serial number 26, in column (2), after entry (xix) and the entries relating thereto in column (3), the following new entries shall be added, namely:-
(xx) Laser Land leveler 8432.8090
(B) in item (C), for the proposed table, the following shall be substituted, namely:

32. White 1701.9910 8%
crystalline and
sugar 1701.9920
33. Urea, 3102.1000 5%
whether or
not in
34. 1. Set top 8517.6950 5% Subject to type
boxes for approval by
gaining PEMRA
access to This concession
internet shall be available
2. TV 8525.5020 upto 30th
broadcast June, 2017
3. Reception 8528.7110
apparatus for and
receiving 8528.7220
signals of a
kind used
with TV
(satellite dish
4. Other set 8528.7190
top boxes and

(ii) for sub-paragraph (II), the following shall be substituted, namely:-
"(II) in Table-2, in the Annexure, in column (1),-
(A) against serial number 1, in column (2), after the word "facilities", the words "including silos" shall be inserted; and
(B) after serial number 7 and the entries relating thereto in columns (2), (3) and (4), the following new serial number and the entries relating thereto shall be added, namely:

8. 1. Milk chillers. 8418.6910 If imported by
and registered
8418.6990 manufacturer
2. Tubular heat 8419.5000 who is member
exchanger (for of Pakistan
pasteurization). Dairy
3. Milk processing 8419.3900 Association
plant, milk spray and
drying plant, Milk 8419.8100
UHT plant.
4. Milk filters
5. Any other 8421.2900
machinery and Chapter 84
equipment for and 85
manufacturing of
dairy products.


that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 3, in sub- clause (1), the paragraph (iii), shall be omitted.
that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 3, in sub- clause (1), paragraph (iii), shall be omitted.


that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 3, in sub-clause (11), in the proposed section 56B, in sub-section (2), for the word ''shall'' the word ''may'' shall be substituted.

to move-

that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 3.- (a) in sub-clause (6), after paragraph (ii), the following proviso shall be added:-"Provided that such international financial institution or foreign government owned financial institution operating under a memorandum of understanding, an agreement or any other arrangement with the Government of Pakistan should limit work for natural disaster or prescribed Pakistani citizens welfare purposes and should not have type of work in any meaning against national security and national economic interests." "
(b) in sub-clause (11), in the proposed section 56B, subsection (2) shall be omitted.
(c) sub-clause (12), shall be omitted. (d) the sub-clause (13), shall be omitted.
(e) in sub-clause (16), in section(I), in sub-section(A), paragraph (b) shall be omitted.


that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 3,
(a) in sub-clause (1), paragraph (iii), shall be omitted.
(b) sub-clause (12), shall be omitted.
(c) sub-clause (13) shall be omitted.
(d) in sub-clause (14), in paragraph (a), in the Table, for entries relating to 100A, in column 2.-
(i) after the words "Gawadar Free Zones Company Limited", comma "," shall be substituted with full stop.
(ii) the words and expressions "their contractors, sub-contractors; and Ship Bunker Oils bought and sold to the ships calling on/visiting Gawadar Port," shall be deleted.
(iii) for the words "forty years", the words "twenty years" shall be substituted.
(iv) under the heading "(A) Conditions and procedure for imports", in paragraph (i) the words " their contractors which hold the concession agreement" shall be deleted.
(v) under the heading "(B) Conditions and procedure for local supply", in paragraph (i), after the words "operating companies" for a coma "," a full stop shall be substituted and the words and expressions ", their contractors and sub-contractors" shall be deleted.
(e) in sub-clause (14), in paragraph (a), in the Table, for entries relating to 100B, in column 2, for the words "twenty three", the word "twenty" shall be substituted.
10. Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 4,-
(1) in clause (4),-
(i) in paragraph (1), for the full stop at the end, the semi colon and
the word "and" shall be substituted; and
(ii) after paragraph (1) amended as aforesaid, the following new
paragraph shall be added, namely:-
"(2) in the schedule, for S.No 37, in column (1), and the entries relating thereto in columns (2), (3) and (4), the following shall be substituted, namely:

37 Valuation services; - Sixteen per
competency and eligibility cent";
testing services excluding
education testing services
provided or rendered under a
bilateral or multilateral
agreement signed by the
Government of Pakistan

11. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 5,
(a) in paragraph (1), in sub-paragraph (b), for the word "first" the word "second" shall be substituted and for the newly inserted expression "(other than depreciation and business losses)" the expression "(other than brought forward depreciation and brought forward business losses)" shall be substituted; (b) in paragraph (2), in the proposed newly inserted sections 7C and 7D, in the proposed sub-section (3), after the word "responsibilities" the words "and powers" shall be inserted; (c) in paragraph (4), in the proposed newly inserted subsection (6), after the word "section" the words "derived by an individual or an association of persons" shall be inserted; (d) in the proposed paragraph (6), in the newly substituted clause (c), in the first proviso, after the word
"disallowance" the expression "in respect of purchases of raw materials and finished goods" shall be inserted; (e) in the proposed paragraph (11), in the proposed newly inserted section 62A, in sub-section (1), after the word "person", wherever occurring, the words "being a filer" shall be inserted; (f) in paragraph (19), in sub-paragraph (b), in the proposed newly inserted sub-section (1A), for the formula, the following shall be substituted, namely:- "A x (B/C)
A is the amount of tax assessed to the person for the tax year before allowance of any tax credit for the tax year;
B is the equity raised through issuance of new
shares for cash consideration; and
C is the total amount invested in setting up the
new industrial undertaking.";
(g) in paragraph (20), in sub-paragraph (d), in the proposed newly inserted sub-section (3A), for the formula, the following shall be substituted, namely:- "A x (B/C)
A is the amount of tax assessed to the person for the tax year before allowance of any tax credit for the tax year;
B is the equity raised through issuance of new
shares for cash consideration; and
C is the total amount invested in the purchase and installation of plant and machinery for the industrial undertaking." ;
(h) for paragraph (22), the following shall be substituted, namely:-"(22) in section 68,-
(a) in sub-section (3), after the word "price", occurring for the first time, the words "other than the price of immovable property" shall be inserted;
(b) after sub-section (3), the following new sub-
section shall be added, namely:-
"(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (1) and (3), the fair market value of immovable property shall be determined on the basis of valuation made by a panel of approved valuers of the State Bank of Pakistan.";
(i) paragraph (23) shall be omitted;
(j) after paragraph (27), the following new paragraph shall be inserted, namely:-"(27A) in section 114, in sub-section (5), for the full-stop at the end a colon shall be substituted and thereafter the following new proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that in case of a person who has not filed return for any of the last five completed tax years, notice under sub-section (4) may be issued in respect of one or more of the last ten completed tax years.";
(k) in paragraph (29), in the proposed newly substituted first proviso, in the proposed clause (b), for the word "present" the word "presents" shall be substituted; (l) after paragraph (29), the following new paragraphs shall be inserted, namely:-"(29A) in section 134A,-
(a) in sub-section (2), after the word "Revenue" the expression "not below the rank of Commissioner" shall be inserted; and (b) in sub-section (4),-
(i) for the words "forty five" the word "ninety" shall be substituted; and (ii) for the full-stop at the end a colon shall be substituted and thereafter the following new proviso shall be added, namely:-"Provided that if such order is not passed within the aforesaid period, recommendations of the committee shall be treated to be an order passed by the Board under this sub-section.";
(29B) in section 140, in sub-section (1), for the full stop at the end, a colon shall be substituted, and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that the Commissioner shall not issue notice under this sub-section for recovery of any tax due from a taxpayer if the said taxpayer has filed an appeal under section 127 in respect of the order under which the tax sought to be recovered has become payable and the appeal has not been decided by the
Commissioner (Appeals), subject to the condition that twenty-five per cent of the said amount of tax due has been paid by the taxpayer.";
(m) after paragraph (30), the following new paragraphs shall be inserted, namely:-"(30A) after section 147, the following new section shall be inserted, namely:-
"147A. Advance tax from provincial sales tax registered person.- (1) Every provincial sales tax registered person shall be liable to pay adjustable advance tax at the rate of three per cent of the turnover declared before the provincial revenue authority.
(2) The advance tax under sub-section (1) shall be paid monthly at the time when sales tax return is to be filed with the provincial revenue authority.
(3) Advance tax paid under this section may be taken into account while working out advance tax payable under section 147.
(4) The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to any advance tax due under this section as if the amount due were tax due under an assessment order.
(5) A taxpayer who has paid advance tax under this section for a tax year shall be allowed a tax credit for that tax in computing the tax due by the taxpayer on the taxable income of the taxpayer for that year.
(6) A tax credit allowed for advance tax paid under this section shall be applied in accordance with sub-section (3) of section 4.
(7) A tax credit or part of a tax credit allowed under this section for a tax year that is not able to be credited under sub-section (3) of section 4 for the year shall be refunded to the taxpayer in accordance with section 170.
(8) This section shall not apply to a person who was filer on the thirtieth day of June of the previous tax year.
(30B) in section 152, in sub-section (2A), in clause (i), after the word "goods" the expression "except where the sale is made by the importer of the goods and tax under section 148 in respect of such goods has been paid and the goods are sold in the same condition as they were when imported" shall be added;";
(n) in paragraph (33), in the newly added sub-section (4), of section 169, after the word "adjustable" the words "in the return filed for the relevant tax year" shall be added; (o) for paragraph (42), the following shall be substituted, namely:-"(42) section 236E shall be omitted;";
(p) in paragraph (44), in the proposed newly added explanation, for the word "withdrawals" the word "transfers" shall be substituted; (q) in paragraph (45), in the proposed newly inserted sections, section 236W shall be omitted; (r) in paragraph (46),-(a) in sub-paragraph (A), in clause (iii), after the proposed newly substituted Table, the following proviso shall be added, namely:-"Provided that gain arising on the disposal of immovable property by a person in a tax year to a Rental REIT Scheme shall be taxed at the rate of five percent upto thirtieth day of June, 2019, irrespective of the holding period.";
(b) in sub-paragraph (B), after clause (i), the following new clause shall be inserted, namely:-"(ia) in Division II,-
(a) in paragraph (1), for the expression "6% of the gross amount payable" the expression "7% of the gross amount payable in case a person is a filer and 12% in case the person is a non-filer" shall be substituted; and (b) in paragraph (6),-(i) for sub-paragraph (ii), the following shall be substituted, namely:-"(ii) in case a person is a filer, 7% of the gross amount payable and 12% if the person is a non-filer."; and
(ii) sub-paragraph (iii) shall be omitted;"; (c) in sub-paragraph (C), after the proposed clause (iv), the following new clauses shall be inserted, namely:-"(iva) Division XII shall be omitted;
(ivb) in Division XIII,-
(a) in paragraph (1), in the Table, in the first column,-
(i) against category "R", in column (3), for the figure "30,000" the figure "12,000" shall be substituted; (ii) against category "B-1", in column (3), for the figure "50,000" the figure "35,000" shall be substituted; (iii) against category "B-2", in column (3), for the figure "60,000" the figure "45,000" shall be substituted; and (b) after paragraph (2), the following new paragraph shall be inserted, namely:-
"(3) In addition to tax collected under paragraph (2) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority shall collect tax at the rate of fifty per cent of the permission fee or renewal fee, as the case may be, from every TV Channel on which foreign TV drama serial or a play in any language, other than English, is screened or viewed.";
(s) in paragraph (47),-
(a) in sub-paragraph (A), in Part I,-
(i) the proposed clause (i) shall be renumbered as clause (ia) and following new clause (i) shall be inserted, namely:-"(i) in clause (13), in sub-clause (iii), for the word "two" the word "three" shall be substituted;
(ii) in proposed clause (iv),-
(a) in the proposed newly
inserted clause
(126AB), after the word "Limited" the expression ", for a period of twenty three years with effect from the first day of July, 2016." shall be added; (b) in the proposed newly inserted clause (126AD), in both proposed sub-clauses (1) and (2), after the word "Limited", occurring at the end, the expression "for a period of twenty-three years with effect from the first day of July, 2016." shall be added; (b) in sub-paragraph (B), after the proposed clause (ii), the following new clauses shall be added, namely:-"(iii) after clause (18A), the following new clause shall be inserted, namely:-
"(18B) The rate of tax as specified in
Division II of Part 1 of the First
Schedule shall be reduced by 2% in case of a company whose shares are traded on stock exchange if: (a) it fulfils prescribed shari''ah compliant criteria approved by State Bank of Pakistan, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and the Board; (b) derives income from manufacturing activities only; (c) has declared taxable income for the last three consecutive tax years; and (d) has issued dividend for the last five consecutive tax years."; (c) in sub-paragraph (C), after the proposed clause (xiii), the following new clause shall be added, namely:-"(xiv) after the proposed substituted clause (97), the following new clauses shall be added, namely:-
"(98) The provisions of section 148 shall not apply to import of ships and other floating crafts including tugs, survey vessels and other specialised crafts purchased or bare-boat chartered by a Pakistani entity and flying Pakistani flag:
Provided that exemption under this clause shall be available up to the year 2020, subject to the condition that the ships and crafts are used for the purpose for which they were procured, and in case such ships and crafts are used for demolition purposes, tax collectible under section 148, applicable to ships and crafts purchased for demolition purposes, shall be chargeable.
(99) The provisions of section 148 shall not apply to import or acquisition of aircraft on wet or dry lease by M/s Pakistan International Airlines Corporation with effect from 19th March, 2015.";
(t) in paragraph (51),
(a) in sub-paragraph (a), in the proposed newly
inserted sub-rule (1A), for the full stop at the end a colon shall be substituted and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely:-"Provided that second and third proviso in Division VII of Part I of the First Schedule regarding capital gains arising on redemption of securities shall continue to apply.";
(b) in sub-paragraph (c), in the proposed newly added proviso to sub-rule (3), after the word "furnished" the words "under this sub-rule or sub-rule (3A)" shall be inserted;
that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 5.-(a) sub-clause (23), shall be omitted., and (b) in sub-clause (45), the proposed section 236W shall be omitted.
13. MS. SHAHIDA REHMANI to move-
that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 5, (a) sub-clause (23), shall be omitted. (b) sub-clause (45), shall be omitted. (c) in sub-clause (46), (i) in paragraph (A), in sub-paragraph (iv), in the proposed Division VIIIA, in the Table, under the heading "For residential buildings" in column(1),entries corresponding to "up to 750" shall be omitted.
(ii) in paragraph (C), in sub- paragraph (i), in the proposed "Division-II" in the first column, against Sr.No 2, in column (4), for the figure "16%", the figure " 12%" shall be substituted.
that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 5, (a) sub-clause (23), shall be omitted., (b) in sub-clause (46), in paragraph (A), in sub-paragraph (iv), in the proposed Division VIIIA, in the Table, under the heading "For residential buildings" in column(1), the words and figures "up to 750" and entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

to move-

that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 5, (a) in sub-clause (2), in the proposed section (7C), in sub-section(1), after the words ''at the rate specified'' the words '' calculated according to their annual income'' shall be inserted and the remaining words shall be deleted.
(b) in sub-clause (4), in the proposed section (7D), in sub-section (1), after the words ''at the rate specified'' the words '' calculated according to their annual income'' shall be inserted and the remaining words shall be deleted.
(c) in sub-clause (23), in the proposed Explanation, for the word "includes" the words "does not includes" shall be substituted.
(d) in sub-clause (31), in the proposed section 152A, for the word ''twenty'' the words '' twenty five'' shall be substituted.
(e) in sub-clause (38), in the proposed Explanation after the word ''shall'' the word ''not'' shall be inserted.
(g) in sub-clause (44), in the proposed Explanation after the word ''shall'' the word ''not'' shall be inserted.
(f) in sub-clause (47), in paragraph (B), in sub-paragraph (ii), in the proposed clause 3B, after the words ''shall be taxed'' the words '' at the normal rates charged on income'' shall be inserted, and the provisos shall be deleted.

to move-

that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 5.- (a) sub-clause (2), shall be omitted.
(b) sub-clause (3), shall be omitted. (c) sub-clause (23), shall be omitted.
(d) in sub-clause (24), paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be omitted. (e) sub-clause (27), shall be omitted. (f) sub-clause (38), shall be omitted.
(g) in sub-clause (39), paragraph (b), shall be omitted. (h) sub-clause (44), shall be omitted.


that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 5,
(a) sub-clause (23), shall be omitted.
(b) in sub-clause (45), in the proposed section 236V, sub-section (2), shall be omitted.
(c) in sub-clause (45), in the proposed section 236W, shall be omitted.
(d) in sub-clause (46), in paragraph (C), in sub-paragraph (iii), after the word and expression "substituted;" the words and expressions "and for the figure "20000", the figure "100000" shall be substituted" shall be added.
(e) in sub-clause (46), in paragraph (C), in sub-paragraph (ix), the proposed Division XXVI shall be omitted.
(f) in sub-clause (47), in paragraph (B),sub-paragraph (i), shall be omitted.
(g) in sub-clause (47), in paragraph (C), in sub-paragraph (iii), in the proposed clause 38AA, for the words and expression "twenty-three", the word "twenty" shall be substituted.
18. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 6,
(a) in paragraph (2), in clause (h), in the newly substituted clause (o), after the word "Government" the expression "(including the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments) " shall be inserted; (b) in paragraph (5), after clause (b), the following new clause shall be added, namely:-"(c) after clause (e), the following new clause shall be added, namely:-
"(f) debt per capita.";"

to move-

that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 6, (i) in sub-clause (1), for the first word ''for'' the word ''after'' shall be substituted and for the word ''substituted'' the word ''added'' shall be substituted.
(ii) in sub-clause (1), in the proposed long title after the words '' gross domestic product'' the words '' to a level as prescribed with in the Act with prudent and effective public debt management'' shall be inserted and thereafter the rest of the words shall be deleted.

to move-

that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, after clause 6, the following new clause shall be inserted, namely:- "6A. Amendment of Members of Parliament (Salary and Allowances) Act, 1974.- In the Members of Parliament (Salary and Allowances) Act, 1974, after section 11A, the following new section 11B shall be added namely:
11B. Staff to Members.- A member shall be entitled to an aide/assistant, who shall be a graduate having experience in research, writing talking points and reports."
21. MR. JAMSHAID AHMED DASTI to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, after clause 6, the following new clause 6A, shall be added namely.-
"6A.Amendment of Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1974(XXVII of 1974):- In the Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1974(XXVII of 1974), the following further amendments shall be made, namely:- (1) In section 1, in sub-section(1), for the words "and Allowances" the comma and words "Allowances and Privileges" shall be substituted.
(2) In section 3,-
(a) for the words "thirty-six thousand four hundred twenty-three" the words "two hundred thousand rupees" shall be substituted; and (b) in the proviso for the words "five thousand rupees" the words "two hundred thousand" shall be substituted.
(3) section 4B shall be omitted.
(4) After section 5, a new section shall be inserted, namely.- "5A. Transport Allowance.- In addition to t he allowance provided under section 4 and 5 there shall be paid to a member a transport allowance at the rate of fifty thousand rupees per mensem."
(5) In section6, in clause (c), for the word "ten" the words "twenty" shall be substituted.
(6) in section 10.-
(a) for sub-section (2), the following shall be substituted, namely:-"(2) A member who does not wish to be provided with such vouchers shall be paid an allowance in cash of equivalent value in lieu of vouchers referred to in sub-section (1)."; (b) in sub-section (2A), for the words "twenty" the words "thirty" shall be substituted; and (c) for sub-section (3), the following shall be substituted.- "(3) Any voucher or business class air return ticket with which member is provided under sub-sections (1) and (2A) may be utilised by the family of the member." (7) For section 11, the following sections shall be substituted, namely:- "11. Equipment allowance.- A member shall be entitled to draw three hundred thousand rupees for equipping his office with IT installation, etc once during entire tenure.
11A. Office maintenance allowance.- A member shall be entitled to receive an office maintenance allowance at the rate of one hundred thousand rupees per mensem.".
(8) After section 11A, substituted as aforesaid, the following new sections shall be inserted:- "11B. Constituency Allowance.- A member shall be entitled to receive a constituency allowance at the rate of seventy thousand rupees per mensem.
11C. Utility Allowance.- A member shall be entitled to receive a utility allowance at the rate of fifty thousand rupees per mensem.".
(9) For the section 12 the following shall be substituted, namely:- "12. Other Facilities.- (1) A member shall be entitled to such facilities, including medical facilities from hospitals prescribed by Speaker or Chairman Senate, airport security pass and facility of VIP Lounges etc as were admissible to a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan immediately before the commencement of this Act.
(2) An ex-member who remained a member of either House of Parliament for at least one term shall also be entitled to such facilities as are admissible to a sitting member under sub-section (1)." (10) Section 14A shall be deleted.
(11) After section 4B, the following new sections shall be added, namely:-
"15.Privileges.- (1) A member shall be accorded respect commensurate with warrant of precedence notified by the Federal Government." (2) In case where alleged breach is established the respective Standing Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges may proceed against the delinquent official under Government Servants ( Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973.".
MS. ASIYA NASIR to move-
that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, after clause 6, the following new clause 6A, shall be added namely.- "6A.Amendment of Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1974(XXVII of 1974):- In the Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1974 (XXVII of 1974), the following further amendments shall be made, namely:-(1) for section 10, the following shall be substituted namely:- "10. Free Travel Allowance.- (1) Every member shall be provided an amount of rupees one hundred twenty thousand per mensem as cash allowance. A member who does not wish to be provided with such allowance shall be entitles for Miscellaneous Charges Order MCO)/Credit Card in lieu of such allowance. Each Member shall utilises a MCO/ Credit Card by the family of the Member for any sector within country or outside.
(2) The utilisation by a member of any MCO/Credit Card with which he is provided under sub-section (1) for the purpose of any journey for which member is entitled to any travelling allowance under this Act shall not in any way affect his right to receive such allowance.
Explanation.- In this sub-section, ''family'' means the spouse and children of a Member and one other person.
Provided that, where a person becomes a member during the course of a year, the value of the MCO/Credit Card which member is provided during that year shall not exceed the value which bears the same.".
24. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 1,-
(a) in paragraph (5), for the expression "(19)", the figure "19" shall be substituted; (b) after paragraph (5), amended as aforesaid, the following new paragraph shall be added, namely:-"(5A) in section 38,-
(i) in sub-section (2), the word "Additional" shall be omitted; and (ii) in sub-section (4),-(A) for the words "forty-five", the word "ninety" shall be substituted; and
(B) for the full stop at the end, a colon shall be substituted, and thereafter the following new proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided that if such order is not passed by the Board within the aforesaid period, the recommendation of the Committee shall be treated to be an order passed by the Board under this subsection.";
(c) in paragraph (8), the word "and", occurring at the end, shall be omitted; and (d) in paragraph (9), for the full stop at the end, a semi-colon and the word "; and" shall be substituted and thereafter the following new paragraph shall be added, namely:-
"(10) in the Third Schedule, in Table-II, in column (1), after serial number 12, and the entries relating thereto in columns (2) and (3), the following new serial number and entries relating thereto shall be added, namely:

13 Chartered flight services used by or for 98.03
armed forces to move troops and
equipment deployed locally or
internationally, including those for
movement of troops and equipment to UN


that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 7, in sub-clause (7), in paragraph (b), in the proposed "Note", for the word and figures " 11 and 13", the word, commas and figures "11, 13, 14 and 15" shall be substituted.
26. MS. SHAHIDA REHMANI to move-
that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 7, in sub-clause (7), in paragraph (b), in the proposed "Note", for the word and figures " 11 and 13", the word, commas and figures "11, 13, 14 and 15" shall be substituted.

to move-

that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 7, in sub-clause (6), in the proposed section 47B, in subsection (2), for the word ''shall'' the word ''may'' shall be substituted.

to move-

that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in clause 7,
(a) in sub-clause (5), for the proposed sub-section (13), the following sub-section and proviso shall be substituted:-
"13. Any person who contravenes any provision of this Act or rules made there under for which no penalty has specifically been provided in this section shall be liable to pay a penalty of five thousand rupees or three percent of the amount of duty involved:
Provided that the person concerned shall be given reasonable opportunity of hearing and chance to rectify the mistake, if any, before imposing penalty."
(b) in sub-clause (9), in paragraph (b), in the table for entries relating to proposed Sr. no.19, in column (2).-
(i) after the words "Gawadar Free Zones Company Limited", comma "," shall be substituted with full stop.
(ii) the words and expressions "their contractors, sub-contractors; and Ship Bunker Oils bought and sold to the ships calling on/visiting Gawadar Port," shall be deleted.
(iii) for the words "forty years", the words "twenty years" shall be substituted
29. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in the first Schedule,-
Amendments in the First Schedule of the Finance Bill, 2016 (First Schedule
of the Customs Act, 1969) (IV of 1969).
in the First Schedule, in the Table, in the first column,-
(i) against PCT Code "2917.3500", in column (4), for the figure "16", the figure "11" shall be substituted; (ii) against PCT codes "4411.1200 to 4411.9400", in column (4), for the figure "20", the figure "16" shall be substituted; (iii) against PCT codes "5205.1100 to 5206.4500", in column (4), for the figure "3", the figure "11" shall be substituted; (iv) for PCT code "9903", and the entries relating thereto in column (2), (3) and (4), the following shall be substituted, namely:

9903 Imports by Privileged personnel/ 0
Goods imported by privileged personnel
or by organisations or by any person
authorised by the contracting parties,
under grant-in- aid agreements
(including those agreements which
cover off budget foreign contributions or
funds brought by registered INGO''s
without any financial liabilities to the
Government of Pakistan) signed by the
Economic Affairs Division (EAD) and or
by any Ministry authorised by the
Government of Pakistan and duly
concurred by the Federal Board of
Revenue (FBR)

(v) in PCT code "9912", in column (3), after the words "Haji Abdul Shakoor Edhi", the expression "or Mr Faisal Edhi, Vice Managing Trustee and Qubra Edhi, Trustee, Edhi Foundation"; shall be inserted; and (vi) in PCT code "9917", in column (3), after sub-serial number (2), the following new sub-serial number shall be added, namely:-
"(3) Construction, development and operations of Gwadar port and Free Zone Area:
Following imports subject to such conditions, limitations and restrictions as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time: (i) Equipments and materials (plant, machinery, equipment, appliances and accessories), imported by the Concession holder, its operating companies and contractors/subcontractors exclusively for construction and operation of the terminals and the Free Zone Area for a period of forty (40) years; (ii) Ship bunker oils imported by the Concession holder for the sole purposes of supplying fuels and lubricants to the ships used in the port and its terminals for a period of forty (40) years; (iii) Vehicles imported by the concession holder and its operating companies for a period of twenty three (23) years for construction, development and operations of Gwadar Port and Free Zone Area under the regulatory mechanism. The regulatory mechanism for such vehicles, including the number and types importable, shall be devised by the Ministry of Port & Shipping and FBR (in consultation with the Provincial Government if so required) and notified by the FBR; and (iv) Imports for port-related businesses established in the Free Zone Area for a period of 23 years."; and
30. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly, in the second Schedule,-
Amendments in the Second Schedule of the Finance Bill, 2016 (Fifth
Schedule of the Customs Act, 1969) (IV of 1969).
in the Second Schedule, the following amendments shall be
made, namely:-
(I) in Part-I, in the Table, in column (1),-
(a) against S.No 1, in column (2),-
(i) in sub-serial (B),against entries (1) to (7), in column (4), for the figure "2", the figure "0" shall be substituted; (ii) against sub-serial (C), the entry in column (5), shall be omitted; (iii) in sub-serial (D), against entries (4), (12), (13) and (15), in column (4), for the figure "2", the figure "0" shall be substituted; and (iv) in sub-serial (F), after entry (9) and the corresponding entries relating thereto in column (3),(4) and (5), the following new entry and the corresponding entries relating thereto in columns (3), (4) and (5) shall be added, namely:

(10) any other Ch. 3% If imported by
machinery and 84 & 85 manufacturers
equipment for which are
manufacturing members of
of dairy Pakistan Dairy
products Association and

(b) for S. No 20 and corresponding entries relating thereto in columns (2),(3),(4) and (5), the following shall be substituted, namely:

20 Following items for Nil
use with solar
Solar Power 8501.3110 0%
Systems. 8501.3210
(1) Off-grid/On-
grid solar power
system(with or
without provision
for USB/charging
port) comprising of
(i) PV Module. 8541.4000 0%
(ii) Charge 9032.8990
controller. 8507.2090
(iii) Batteries for 8507.3000
specific utilisation 8507.6000
with the system
(not exceeding 50
Ah in case of
portable system). 8544.4990
(iv) Essential
connecting wires
(with or without 8504.4090
(v) Inverters (off-
grid/ on-grid/
hybrid with
provision for direct
connection/ input
renewable energy
(c) a source and with
g Maximum Power
a Point Tracking
i (MPPT).
n (vi) Bulb holder
s (2) Water
t purification plants
S operating on solar
- energy

o. 22, in column (2),-
(i) in sub-serial (i),-
(A) after the word ballast, for the word with the comma shall be substituted; and (B) in column (3), after PCT code 9405.1090 the PCT codes 8539.3290 and 8543.7090 , shall be added; and
(ii) in sub-serial (ii),
(A) for the expression having in built/
integral PV module with or without solar batteries the words with or without ballast, PV module, fitting and fixtures shall be substituted; and (B) in column (3), after PCT code 9405.4090 the PCT codes 8539.3290 and 8543.7090 , shall be added; and
(iii) against sub-serial (vii), in column (3), for the PCT code 8539.3900 , the PCT
code 8539.3290 , shall be substituted;
(iv) after sub-serial (xiv) and the entries relating thereto in column (3), (4) and (5),
the following new sub-serial numbers and the entries relating thereto in columns (3), (4) and (5) shall be added, namely:

(xv) Invertors (off- 8504.4090 0%
grid/on grid/hybrid)
with provision for
direct connection/
input from renewable
energy source and
with Maximum Power
Point Tracking
(xvi) Charge 9032.8990 0%"; and
controller/ Current

(II) in Part-III, in the Table, in column (1), after Sr. No 62 and the entries relating thereto in column (2),(3), (4) and (5), the following new Sr. Nos. and the entries relating thereto in columns (2), (3), (4) and (5) shall be inserted and the existing Sr. Nos. 63 and 64 shall be renumbered as Sr. Nos. 66 and 67, respectively, namely:-

63. (i) Set top boxes for 8517.6950 11% Subject to type
gaining access to approval by
internet PEMRA. This
concession will
(ii)TV broadcast 8525.5020 be available till
transmitter 30.06.2017
(iii)Reception 8528.7110
apparatus for 8528.7220
receiving satellite
signals of a kind
used with TV
(satellite dish
(iv) Other set top 8528.7190
64. Ships and other 8901.1000 0% The exemption
floating crafts shall be
including tugs, 8901.2000 available up to
survey vessels and the year 2020
other specialised 8901.3000 subject to the
crafts purchased or condition that
bare-boat chartered 8901.9000 the ships and
by a Pakistani crafts are used
entity and flying 8902.0000 for the purpose
Pakistani flag. for which they
8904.0000 were procured
and in case
8905.1000 such ships and
crafts are used
8905.2000 for demolition
purposes, full
8905.9000 customs duties
and other
8906.1000 charges to
applicable and
8906.9000 ships for
crafts shall
8907.9000 purchased chargeable
65. (i)Electronic 8542.3900 0% If imported by
integrated circuits SIM and Smart
(SIM Chip) Card
(ii) Magnetic sheets 8519.8190 5% manufacturers
(iii) Glue Tape 5807.1030
Lamination for dye registered
bonding of chip 5% under Sales
(iv) Polyvinyl 3920.4910 Tax Act, 1990,
Chloride (PVC) as per quota
Rigid Film 5% determined by
IOCO and
(v) Biaxially 3920.2040 procedure
Oriented prescribed in
Polypropylene SRO
(BOPP) film, 5% 565(I)/2006
laminated and

(III) in Part-VI, in the Table, against S.No 1, in column (5), after the expression Whether imported or acquired on wet or dry lease. , the expression In case of M/s Pakistan International Airlines Corporation this exemption shall be admissible w.e.f. 19th March, 2015. shall be added;
(IV) in Part-VII, in Table-B, in the first column, -
(a) against Sr. No 8, in the fifth column, for the expression, If imported by newspaper publishers certified by the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage. , the words If imported by newspaper or periodical publishers certified by the All Pakistan Newspaper Society (APNS) , shall be substituted; and (b) after Sr. No 8 and the entries relating thereto in the second, third, fourth and fifth columns the following new serial number and the entries relating thereto shall be inserted and the existing Sr. Nos. 9 to 22, shall be re-numbered as Sr. Nos.10 to 23 respectively, namely:

9 Cotton yarn 52.05 5 Nil ; and

31. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move that in the Finance Bill, 2016 as introduced in the National Assembly,
For the Statement of Objects and Reasons at the end, the following shall be substituted, namely:-
The purpose of this Bill is to make financial provisions for the year beginning on the first day of July, 2016 except item (ii) and S.No 133 of item (iii) of sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (14),
items (BA) and (C) of sub-paragraph (I) of paragraph (16) excluding S.No 34, , paragraph (17) of clause 3; sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (7) of clause 7; the First Schedule and the Second Schedule; which shall have effect from the day next following the day of assent given to this Act by the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.-National Assembly Secretariat.

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