Follow these tips to get glowing skin before Eid

24 Jun, 2016

Shimmering, spotless and smooth skin is every woman's dream. A number of expansive skin care products are easily available in markets but just relying on these products cannot give you desirable results. More you take care of your skin more it gives you attractive and younger look. Simple basic skin care habits improve tone and texture of your skin, and guarantee the overall health of the affected areas. Following are useful tips for long lasting beautiful skin on EID day.
Drink lots of water: Creams and lotions for skin care give protection from outside, while our skin needs inside care for glowing outside. Hydration protects the skin from harmful effects of high humidity level and intense sun rays. Hot summer days have already drained out skin's elasticity and suppleness of many women; but it is never too late to follow healthy plan to revitalise lost freshness of the skin before Eid day.
On sehri and after Iftar drinking at least eight to ten glass of water hydrates your skin and body cells. Drinking sufficient amount of water hydrate your skin from inside, which is better than hydrant skin creams which works from outside. Skin care experts recommend starting your day with a big glass of water to help cleanse your skin.
For glowing, radiant complexion choose more liquid drinking such as smoothies, and fresh fruit juices (diluted with water) at Iftar. If you like hot drinks then give preference to green tea and cup of coffee. These hot drinks are good sources of antioxidants ensuring smooth and wrinkle free skin. Researches show that Green tea has a protective effect on cell membrane and helps reduce skin cancer. Similarly, a cup of coffee is an ideal way of pampering your skin with antioxidants.
Get benefit from nature: From ancient times, sticky gel of Aloe Vera plant has multiple benefits for women of all ages. Cleopatra applied the gel regularly to keep her body smooth and shining. Researchers agree that gel has property of fighting with bacteria, fungus and viruses. Gel of the plant contains substances that have properties of natural antiseptics and pain relievers.
It nourishes skin; it has anti - wrinkle properties and its regular use safeguard against aging, rashes, pimples, acne and skin allergies. The gel when applied to burns and minor cuts immediately provides soothing effect. It tightens the skin and eliminates wrinkles. Its regular use helps cure eczema, removes scratch marks, and sooths psoriasis. Here is how to make Aloe Vera facial mask ideal for glowing skin on Eid day. Mix two table spoon of Aloe Vera gel with one table spoon of yogurt, and three tablespoon of cucumber juice (peel cucumber and squeezed in a muslin cloth to get the juice). Apply to your face and neck and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and then with cold water to close the pores, pat face dry with towel and you have beautiful glowing skin.
Eat fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are your weapons to fight against dullness and dryness of skin. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants ensuring healthy wrinkle free skin so add them in Iftar and sehri meals to give your skin a boost. Summer is perfect season to take advantage of seasonal fruits and vegetables for beautiful moisturised skin.
There are number of foods enrich with antioxidants best for keeping your skin young, supple and smooth. Garnish your Iftar table with Dates, Tomatoes, apple, lemon, strawberries, apricot, pomegranate, grapes and spinach because these foods help maintenance and repair of skin cells. Consumption of these foods will have much better and long- lasting effects on your skin than those of expansive anti aging creams and facial masks.
Stay away from hot, spicy foods: Pimples, blemishes, and rashes are consequence of constipation and disruptive digestive system. Consumption of oily and spicy foods during Ramazan is main cause of constipation, which grow pimples and rapidly destroying your facial value. To avoid Eid day disaster eat whole-wheat meal, egg, beans, lentils, and fruits on Iftar and Sehri. Include yogurt in your diet because positive bacteria in yogurt help maintain digestive system and improve skin tone.
Let the skin breath and rest: Your skin needs fresh air and regular exercise to remain healthy and nourished. Early morning air intake is best exercise for the skin. Fresh air purifies the skin, making it smooth and wrinkle free. Experts say sleep deprivation can make you look older than your age.
Your muscles become fatigued, causing your face to droop. Your face may look pale because, as your body suffers exhaustion, your blood pressure drops, so that less oxygen is available to your skin cells. Get rid of blackheads: A blackhead is a yellow or blackish bump or plug on the areas around nose, and chin. It make its appearance on the skin when a skin pore clogged with oil, bacteria, cosmetics, dead skin cells, and pollution. Steaming, and stripping the skin are two common ways to get rid of blackheads.
There are two easy to use methods to get rid of blackheads easily. Soak towel in tolerable hot water and leave over the area of black head for few minutes. This will help to open the pores. Now cut a tomato in two halves and apply on affected areas. Second method is to apply mixture of 1 egg white and one teaspoon of honey on the areas of blackheads.
Do away with impurities: cleansing is important to get rid of impurities dust particles and bacteria from the skin. For detoxification of skin, Soak cotton swab in un boiled milk and rub on skin surface gently. It helps to remove all the impurities and toxins occupied the lower layers of the skin.
Beauticians say, "Mud is among the best ingredients to detoxify the skin. The reason for this is that it successfully removes the dead skin cells that hinder the health of the underlying layers. By removing these dirt and toxins blocking the pores, new cells are free to grow and flourish, thereby resulting in fresher, glowing, more natural skin.
Once you apply a mud mask on yourself, it automatically begins to absorb the impurities on your skin, and brings them to the surface. Once on the surface, they are washed away easily when you wash the mask off."
Tone up skin complexion: Fair and bright complexion is not hard to achieve, thanks to whiting creams available easily in beauty shops. Effectiveness of these creams are short-lived further most of them have ingredients which may contain toxic by-products and can cause allergies, dermatitis thinning of skin and damage of skin cells. Natural ways of getting fair complexion are safe and give no harm to the skin cells. Here are few usefultips, apply any of these for a fair and glowing complexion on Eid day.
1. Sandalwood and rose water are the best toner for your skin. If you apply them daily it will make your skin fresh, decrease the melanin content and it improves blood circulation.
2. Soak almonds overnight, in the morning grind soaked almonds remove their coverings and mix theme in rose water to make smooth paste. Apply this paste on your face and neck and see the difference. Beauticians recommend applying mixture of honey and milk cream once a week as a skin conditioner for dry skin.
3. For fair and soft skin cut tomatoes into two halves and gently rub softly on skin and neck to remove dead skin cells. Chilled potato pieces may also apply on skin for soothing effects.
4. Take a tablespoon of urad dal, along with four almonds, and soak them together for a night. In the morning, grind them together into a thick paste. Apply liberally on skin and wash with tap water after half an hour to nourish and whiten complexion.
Pamper skin with home-made moisturisers: To prevent wrinkles and drying of skin it is important to moisturising it regularly. From centuries, yogurt considered as a best moisturiser for dry skin. Apply yogurt with a tablespoon of orange and lemon juice or mix cooked oatmeal and honey together to form a smooth paste.
Apply on your face any of this paste and wash off after ten to fifteen minutes with lukewarm water. Honey is excellent for protecting the health and vitality of the skin, since it has copious amounts of minerals, which is effective to get glowing skin. Lemon on the other hand packed full of enzymes, which help to clear away dead cells, thereby encouraging and permitting replenishment. Make skin care your habit it will not only glow your skin on Eid day, but also give you lifelong skin beauty.

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