Art Facts: Exploring new vistas

02 Jul, 2016

Exploring the vibrant relationship between the artist, curator and viewers Sanat Gallery, Karachi hosted a group exhibition titled "What Belongs to You", on its second anniversary, which was based on the experimental works of young artists.
Discovering and inventing new styles and themes the artists and curator decided to engage the viewers also by inviting them to express their views in a space left blank along with curatorial note and artists statements in the catalogue of the exhibition.
Ammar Faiz, Farhat Ali, Madyha Leghari, Naira Mushtaq, Sajid Khan and Zoya Siddiqui were the participating artists at the show. All the artists belonged to various cities of the country other than Karachi.
Lives, works and studies in Lahore Ammar graduated with a distinction in Bachelors of Visual Arts last year from the Beacon house National University in Lahore. Currently he is pursuing his MA in Art and Design Studies with a Graduation Scholarship from the School of Visual Art and Design at his alma mater. He has directed, written and acted in various short films. He also taught as a visiting faculty member at BNU.
Ammar's artworks titled "For the Real Blue Lady", "From John's Old Cupboard", "From Saleem's Plastered Pink Wall" and "From Zubair's Childhood Suitcase" all reflected the advertisement billboards and movie posters which hanged in different public places so people can be forced easily to see them whether they like it or not.
Using the medium of magazine collage on film poster mounted on used cardboards the artists explored the so called commercialism engulfing our public and private lives sometimes noticeably but many times unnoticeably. He redesigned the old posters and advertisements to give them new expressions that are beautiful in his way.
Graduated from National Collage of Arts, Lahore two years ago Farhat Ali belonged to Badin. His untitled artworks in mixed media and oil on canvas in a 3-D style again tackle the subject of consumer market and commercialisation. The painted shutters of shops were his topic of interest because it was the basic form of advertisement before the advent of huge billboards on the busy roads of the cities.
Madyha Leghari graduated from National College of Arts Lahore three years ago her oil on canvas artworks along with photocopy explored the world of words. She tried to find the real meaning of the written words in advertisements in newspapers or on billboards.
A triptych by her titled "One and Three Texts" showed various advertisement in newspapers where he deliberately played with the words just like commercials calling 'advertisement' 'artvestment' indicating increasing commercialisation.
Using mounted paper on board in oil and crayon, gel transfer and paint on board Naira Mushtaq explored the bygone years which were intact in the memories because of their light and happy moments. Graduated from National College of Arts Lahore in 2013 she used out dated worn out photographs to reveal her views and feelings.
Titled "07 03 1977", "11 02 1992" and "15 02 1986" her work revolves around the idea of ephemeral association and inherent violence in seemingly ordinary.
She has good experience of various painting techniques including Printmaking. She also uses different experimental art methods to create new works.
Born in Malakand Sajid Khan now lives and works in Lahore, graduated from National College of Arts Lahore with a distinction in Miniature Painting in 2011 he used the distortion of memories as his theme of work. He tried to highlight our relationship to our own past.
His artworks were untitled except a few. A painting titled "Hawa Mein Udta Jaye - I" in watercolour on archival paper and drawing board he showed how our thoughts float like a cloud in our mind ready to pour down whenever have a chance.
Zoya Siddiqui is a visual artist based in Lahore her artworks titled "Personal Shrine" was a collection of paintings depicted different pictures of various rooms of homes from many different angles.
These homes were situated in Lahore city which showed the deities and holy hangings in homes which people think sacred to them. And place them in their homes to became spirituality elevated.
Focused only on the contemporary art scene from across Pakistan Sanat's two years have been full of memorable milestones for both Sanat and contemporary art in Pakistan.
The gallery provided space not only to budding artists but also preserve the contemporary art of our country. Having thirty-nine exhibitions, forty publications, four projects and three artist residencies to its credit Abid Merchant, the owner of the gallery deserve applause.

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