PPP committed to waging struggle against anti-democratic forces: Chandio

05 Jul, 2016

Sindh Minister for Information & Archives, Maula Bux Chandio said on Monday that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is committed to continue its fight against anti-democratic forces which are out to harm democracy in Pakistan, particularly in Sindh, for their nefarious designs.
"Pakistan needs Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's democracy in accordance with the spirit of 1973 Constitution. Fact is that salvation of Pakistan lies in democracy and that is why PPP has been struggling to establish durable democracy and political stability in the county in order to lead the nation toward innovative progress and development," the advisor said in a statement on the occasion of PPP's Black Day to be observed on July 5, 2016 against the overthrow of PPP founder Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's democratic government by General Zia through a military coup in 1977.
He said the big threat to democracy was from militant mindset and anti-state elements who wanted to create anarchy and instability in the county, but PPP is committed to safeguarding democracy in all its forms and establishing rule of law.
"Quaid-e-Awam Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto also scarified their lives for the cause of democracy. We will also leave no stone unturned and even follow this noble cause," Chandio vowed.
Despite oppressions against PPP leadership since 1977, the party leaders, workers and supporters are fully determined to support democratic rule in the country. PPP's previous governments not only struggled for durable democracy but also ensured better parliamentary system, he remarked.
He said, "Bhutto laid emphasis on Islamic socialism and nationalisation to bolster the lot of poor and down-trodden people. He became the most popular leader after Quaid-e-Azam, whole world still lauds ZA Bhutto's democratic rule and services to the poor people."
The advisor said Pakistan's former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Butto was removed by General Ziaul Haq on July 5, 1977 through a coup and martial law was imposed in the country. He said, "Zia slapped controlled democracy under Prime Minister Mohammad Khan Junejo and kept all powers under Article 58-2B with him till his death in a plane crash in August 1988. Anti-democracy rulers always victimised PPP and betrayed the trust of the people through controlled democracy. PPP is the party of poor, down-trodden and orphans and that is why it has famous slogan of 'Roti Kapra Aur Makan'."
Chandio recalled: "Since its formation on 30th November 1967, the PPP has been voted to power five times (1970, 1977, 1988, 1993 and 2008) and has become the most influential political party in the country. Currently, it is also the largest opposition party in the National Assembly. Despite major crackdowns and operations, PPP still remains in the hearts of majority of Pakistan's population.
The anti-democratic forces are still out to harm PPP, but the party leaders, workers and people have foiled their nefarious designs.

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