Partly Facetious: Our leaders are unique bunch

12 Jul, 2016

"I would term it non-resilience of character."
"Never heard the word non-resilience used with character. And need I remind you that your statement challenges the basis of what all of us value namely lessons learned. Unless you learn lessons, valuable lessons, from past mistakes and successes you are destined to make the same mistakes with similar consequences..."
"And that's what I mean by non-resilience of character of our leadership. Shhhh, before you begin to defend your own poison..." "My poison in connection with which party leader I support? Again the first I heard such an expression used for a party leader!"
"Our leaders are a unique bunch....and I mean all the Big Three ... M. N. Sharif, A. A. Zardari and the I. K. Niazi. We have a prime minister who spent around 50 consecutive days in a foreign country and..." "One question: does that mean he qualifies for tax exemptions as a non resident Pakistani?" "Don't be facetious - the time required to stay abroad and be termed as a non resident for purposes of tax relief is a bit longer I think... anyway Mian sahib had life threatening surgery..."
"I don't think it is life threatening in today's medical advanced..." "Don't interrupt, he came back after 50 days and what did he do? Said the same things with respect to the deadlock on the terms of reference on Panama papers, focused on the same things and I don't mean road building but winning the AJK elections and the mother of all ironies he took a briefing from Dar on the economy, the well known SMWF..." "SMWF?"
"Statistical Manipulator Without Finesse meaning it's easy to catch him out."
"Oh dear, and then you have Zardari sahib who is unlikely to let his party go the entire Khan route with respect to the Panama papers and the Khan who opted to leave for the UK at this time..." "It's the season to be jolly in Pakistan... Muggy season."
"But what has angered me and most of those I talked to is the fact that none of the Big Three thought it appropriate to go to the janazaa (funeral) of the most beloved Pakistani of all namely Abdus Sattar Edhi and while I don't have the capacity to fire the Big Three I think Mufti Munib should be fired for not getting to Karachi from Abbottabad for Pete's sake to lead the funeral prayers..."
"Hey, you can't get rid of the man who shall remain nameless in cricket and this in spite of the sustained poor performance of our cricket so how in the world will you get rid of Mufti Munib notwithstanding his childish behaviour on TV during chand raat."
"Oh that! I believe after 29 fasts the mental agility...."
"Oh can it!"

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