Pakistan's sincerity, resolve unquestionable, FO tells Pentagon

05 Aug, 2016

Pakistan on Thursday rejected the allegations of making distinction among terrorist groups, saying operation Zarb-e-Azb is underway against all terror outfits without any discrimination. Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria, responding to queries during weekly media briefing, said Pakistan remains committed to counter terrorism for ensuring security and stability in the region.
"Pakistan has suffered more than any other country in the war on terror both in terms of human and economic losses as 60,000 people including 6000 security personnel have lost their lives in this war," he added. The Pentagon blocked $300 million outstanding amount under CSF to Pakistan after Defence Secretary Ashton Carter declined to give a certification to the Congress that Pakistan is taking sufficient action against Haqqani network.
"The funds could not be released to the government of Pakistan at this time because the (Defence) Secretary has not yet certified that Pakistan has taken sufficient action against the Haqqani network as per the Fiscal Year 2015 National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) requirement," Pentagon Spokesman Adam Stump said. Zakaria said that Pakistan's sincerity and resolve was unquestionable and was acknowledged in the West including the US government. "It is our firm resolve that we will take action against any terrorist in Pakistan, whatever colour or shape it manifests itself in," he made it clear.
"Pakistan does not make any distinction between terrorists. We have taken decisive action against terrorists and extremists and also cooperate widely with other countries to defeat it," he said, adding the phenomenon of terrorism is not country specific but it is a global issue.
He said that the CSF was one of the many co-operative arrangements between Pakistan and the US to pursue common objectives. These reimbursements enable the US to support Pakistan's on-going counter-terrorism efforts in a manner that serves shared interests of both countries. Under this arrangement, both countries continue to work closely to build on the gains achieved over the past years that have improved security in the tribal areas, he added.
Over the past decade, he pointed out that Pakistan has conducted a large number of military operations that have sequentially dismantled and destroyed terrorist infrastructure on its side on the international border with Afghanistan. The latest of these major operations, he stated, operation Zarb-e-Azb has been a resounding success and it has cleared North Waziristan- the last bastion of militant networks- from terrorists of all affiliations.
He further pointed out that senior members of the Congress and representatives of the media have visited the areas cleared from terrorists' control and observed the gains made in these operations as well as the development work underway, including projects undertaken in partnership with the US, for restoration of normal life in affected areas.
To a question about the proscription of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a splinter group of outlawed TTP, by the US, the spokesperson said Pakistan welcomes the decision, adding the country has long been pleading to take concrete action against the TTP and other groups which are perpetrating attacks in Pakistan while operating from Afghanistan.
About the border management along Afghanistan, he said the primary objective of border management is to regulate the movement of people and avert the incursions of terrorists and undesired elements. He said the two sides have evolved a mechanism to discuss the border related issues. However, he said that they were surprised and disappointed over the recent statements of Afghanistan over the construction of gate at Torkham.
Responding to the statements coming from Afghanistan, he clarified that the construction of the gate was not an unfriendly act but aimed at regulating the cross border movement of the people. He further clarified that there were no bilateral agreements between the two countries barring the construction of the gate erected 37 meters inside Pakistan's territory.
To another query about Kashmir dispute, he said Pakistan has strongly taken up with the international community and the human rights organisations the recent wave of atrocities unleashed by the Indian troops in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir over the last one month. He said a number of countries and human rights organisations have also expressed serious concerns over the prevailing situation in Indian Held Kashmir.
"Pakistan will continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people in their just struggle for the right to self-determination," he said, adding Pakistan missions abroad have sensitized the human rights organisations and their host countries about the Indian persecution of innocent Kashmiris. "There is growing realisation in the world now about the sensitivity of Kashmir dispute which is distinct in nature and cannot be equated with any other issue," he said, adding Kashmir is an international issue and there are several UN Security Council resolutions on it.
Asked whether the issue of Kashmir be raised in the upcoming SAARC Summit, Zakaria said that Kashmir is a subject that we address on all occasions and at all appropriate forums. "We have taken it up with all SAARC members bilaterally and they have expressed their concerns on the situation in IoK," he added.
About the stranded Pakistani people in Saudi Arabia, he said Pakistani mission there has taken adequate steps to address their problems and the crisis is over to a great extent. About the envoys' conferences which concluded on Wednesday, he said that the envoys made presentations reflecting major developments in the regions of their accreditation with bearing on Pakistan in particular, and our region, in general. They also assessed the state of relations with their host countries and Pakistan's significance at various multilateral forums and vis-à-vis issues of international concern and interest.

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