Message from Chairman Senate

07 Aug, 2016

Senate of Pakistan came into existence on August 6, 1973, when members took oath of the office and signed the Roll of members. The Upper House was created as a result of a national consensus in view of the unique features of Pakistan's federation giving equal representation to all provinces.
A peoples revolution gave birth to the Constitution, 1973, which enshrines one of the essence of the revolution in Article 3, "the State shall ensure the elimination of all forms of exploitation and the gradual fulfillments of the fundamental principle, from each according to his ability to each according to his work."
The Constitution, 1973, also gave voice to the long and ardious struggle of the peoples of Pakistan for federalism and by camera Parliament. Thus on the 6th August, 1973, the Senate of Pakistan came into existence as a House of Parliament, giving equal representation to the federating units.
Senate's history has been as chequered as the Pakistan's political landscape, a House whose continuity was ensured by the Constitution was subjected to dissolution, during its periods of existence under dictatorship its independence alongwith that of Parliament, was undermined. Yet it proved to be a Leningrad in the Pakistani people's struggle against dictatorship and for constitutionalism, federalism and parliamentary democracy.
The Senate of Pakistan has played its constitutional role in defending and safeguarding the rights of the federating units while jealously guarding encroachments on the devolution of power to the Provinces. In its continuous struggle, the Senate has been the voice of the oppressed, suppressed and marginalized segments of Pakistani society, this role comes easy to it, as its complexion and composition reflects the ethnic diversity in our society. It vibrates on the principle of, "unity through diversity".
The cardinal principles of "transparency" and "public outreach" reflect as the Senate fulfills its constitutional duties and obligations. It is a proud day when the Senate celebrates its 44th Founding Day, it will be a prouder day when the bells of economic and political freedom ring louder from the halls of Parliament for the peoples of this great nation.

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