Message from Prime Minister of Pakistan

07 Aug, 2016

I extend my heartiest felicitations to the people of Pakistan on the auspicious occasion of 44th Foundation Day of Senate of Pakistan. The Upper House is an integral part of the Parliament and its role in legislative framework of the country is highly praiseworthy. Political maturity and stability can only be achieved in the country only if we have strong institutions.
The constant struggle of the democratic process in Pakistan has culminated into a parliamentary history which we need to preserve and protect. I firmly believe that mutual respect and trust among the members of both treasury and opposition, in the Upper House, will certainly contribute towards flourishing of our hard earned democracy.
It is my immense pleasure to greet the nation as part of documentation of history which spells out the vision enshrined by the pioneers of the Upper House and those who paved way for a bi-cameral legislature for the country. I hope and believe that Senate of Pakistan successfully understands the significance of the task for which it was formed and it will continue working for protecting the smaller and larger units.

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