Message from Leader of the House

07 Aug, 2016

I felicitate the nation on Senate's 44th Foundation Day. This day belongs to the people of Pakistan who have struggled to achieve the fruits of democracy through participatory federalism. The Senate of Pakistan is making every endeavour to live up to the aspirations and expectations of the citizens of Pakistan.
In a recent past the Upper House has undertaken legislation to translate policies for the welfare and betterment of the federation, the federating units and its people. With the mandate to protect the rights of the federating units, the House of Federation has made efforts to ensure that devolution of subjects and powers take place within constitutional parameters; thus strengthening the bond between provinces. This House has successfully steered through the testing times of Pakistan's Political History and has sustainably upheld the principle of federation and constitutional supremacy. It is our commitment to the Nation that we, as Members of Senate, will continue to protect and represent the interests and rights of the Federating Units and its citizens. I must appreciate the role of the Government of time in supporting the Parliament's endeavours in ensuring good governance in the Country.

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