Message from Leader of the Opposition

07 Aug, 2016

Senate's 44th Foundation Day: a trail of history leading to a House of Federation, the Senate of Pakistan, which today, keeping in view the concept of unity through diversity, provides for the blossoming of different cultures within the federation, so as to synthesize it into one Pakistani culture; thus playing an important role in promoting inter-provincial and federal-provincial harmony.
The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, conceived a bicameral Parliament consisting of House of People and House of Federation with the view to protect the interest and rights of all federating units and all political shapes present in the units. The Constitutional aberrations made attempts to destabilise the democratic contours of the country, however, today we stand successful against all odds and proudly claim that the Senate of Pakistan; House of Federation is continuously struggling to ensure participatory federalism and protection of rights of the people and all federating units of the country; hence strengthening the bond between the people and the federation.

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