Message from Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Revenue

09 Aug, 2016

It gives me immense pleasure to learn that the services of Shabir Ahmed, in development of trade between France and Pakistan, have been recognised and the French Government has conferred upon him the FRENCH MEDAL OF CHEVALIER DE L' ORDRE DU MERITE.
Shabir Ahmed is a prominent leader of our business community and has not only excelled in his own field of exporting home textiles but also assisted in promoting trade between Pakistan and France. He was the first to establish a joint venture, in the name of D. L Nash in the field of home textiles, between a Pakistani and a French Company. As a Patron in Chief of Pakistan Bedwear Exporters Association, he has also promoted trade between EU and Pakistan.
He has never lacked behind in social services. His contribution was seen during the 2005 earthquake and 2010 floods. His Great Grandfather Haji Mohammadin sahib had also built a Hospital in Culcutta India during 1943. The opening ceremony of this hospital was performed by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. I have also learned that during the Earthquake of 2005 the French Government and the People of France had sent relief goods for the victims of the Earthquake, Shabir Ahmed, as the then President of Pakistan France Business Alliance, had arranged the local logistics for transporting the goods from Rawalpindi airport to the effected areas. My best wishes and prayers would always remain with him.

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