CSF reimbursement

11 Aug, 2016

The news that Pakistan will not be able to receive $300 million from the Coalition Support Fund (CSF) because it is not taking sufficient action against the Haqqani network has been received in the country with a degree of disdain and discomfort. According to the Pentagon spokesman, Adam Stump, on 4th August, 2016, "the funds could not be released to the government of Pakistan at this time because the Secretary has not yet certified that Pakistan has taken sufficient action against the Haqqani network [as] per the fiscal year 2015 National Defence Authorisation Act requirement." The certification was required under an amendment to the Act that authorises reimbursements to Pakistan from the CSF on the condition of an annual certification to the Congress. Stump also said that Defence Secretary, Ashton Carter, had decided to request re-programming of the funds to "retain the ability to use these funds for other requirements." The Pentagon, nonetheless, acknowledged Pakistan's efforts to stamp out terrorism from tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, saying that the decision to withhold $300 million of CSF reimbursement does not reduce the significance of the sacrifices that Pakistan's military has made over the last two years. It was also noted that "Pakistan's efforts have reduced the ability of some militant groups to use North Waziristan and Fata as a safe haven for terrorism." However, the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network continue to operate in other locations in Pakistan, according to Stump.

The US decision to withhold a part of the

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