Pakistan Climate Change Council: proposed legislation for formation in doldrums

20 Aug, 2016

The proposed legislation for formation of "Pakistan Climate Change Council" is in doldrums as the federal government is waiting for consent of the provinces to move the bill in Parliament for approval. A senior official of Ministry of Climate Change told Business Recorder on Friday that the council will help devise comprehensive adaptation and mitigation policies, besides acting as a forum to liaise with national and international organisations working on the subject.
He said that it is important to take all the provinces on board before moving the bill in the Parliament for approval as under the 18th Constitutional amendment the subject is devolved to the provinces. All the provinces have also established their separate Environmental Protection Agencies to monitor environmental issues and give recommendations to the provincial governments on environment-friendly development projects.
The proposed bill, however, says the prime minister or a person nominated by him would chair the council while the federal government may appoint chief ministers, provincial ministers as members of the council. It says the number of the council members should not exceed 30, of which at least 20 shall be technocrats, scientists, researchers and representatives of non-governmental organisations. Ministry of Climate Change secretary shall also be secretary of the council and the ministry would also act as the council secretariat.
All members other than ex-officio members would be appointed for three-year term each. Functions and powers of the council under the proposed bill would be to co-ordinate and supervise the enforcement of the provisions of the act, and guide mainstreaming of climate change concerns into decision-making. The council, or any of its committees, may invite any technical expert or representative of any government agency or non-governmental organisation or other person possessing specialised knowledge of any subject for assistance in the performance of its functions.
About meetings of the council the proposed bill says that it would hold meetings as and when necessary, but not less than two meetings in a year. The federal government shall also notify the Pakistan Climate Change Authority to exercise the powers and perform the functions assigned to it under this act and the rules and regulations made there under, the proposed bill says. The bill further says that the authority shall be capable of suing and being sued, acquiring or disposing of movable and immovable property, borrowing money, and entering into contracts and its headquarters will be in Islamabad.
The authority shall comprise the chairperson, member adaptation, member mitigation, member climate finance, member co-ordination and one member from each province to be nominated by the respective government. The members would be appointed by the federal government. Senior-most member of the authority shall act as chairperson, in case the office falls vacant, till his successor is appointed.

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