Partly Facetious: Dar sahib is heir apparent

27 Aug, 2016

"You know I think Mian sahib is partial to Dar sahib as his heir."
"You just don't like the guy do you? You just want him to get into trouble?"
"Why would my saying that Dar sahib is the heir apparent cause trouble for him?"
"Because my devious friend Mian sahib doesn't like any heir apparent of his own generation - I have it on good authority that he reckons he will survive all of them and is only willing to entertain heirs who belong to the next generation?"
"Next generation as in his daughter, or grandchildren, or (cough, cough, splutter, splutter) nephew?"
"Don't think I don't know what you are up to? But going back to Dar sahib what makes you think that he is the heir apparent? I reckon Mian sahib looks at Dar sahib as a stop gap measure only."
"Surprising that in lieu of the 40 plus pages of an affidavit which together with the Panama papers keeps resurfacing..."
"Is a dead issue what with the MQM hogging the airwaves these days... anyway I reckon that Mian sahib believes that Dar sahib would follow instructions in letter and spirit while the others would only follow instructions as long as he is around."
"Ah the legacy; but you know Dar sahib cannot take Mian sahib's legacy forward because he doesn't have public support...hell he doesn't even have the business community's support."
"Right, so what made you think he is Mian sahib's heir?"
"Because he is not only following Mian sahib's directives, which they all are by the way and by all I mean the entire PML-N, but also his approach."
"I don't get it."
"You know the finance minister's Saarc conference in Islamabad? Well Dar has allowed only the official media and there you have the basic prime ministerial and former President Zardari's modus operandi with the recalcitrant press: why give a chance for fair reporting when you can control it?"
"Don't be facetious."

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