Protestors join March for Europe in London

04 Sep, 2016

Up to 2,000 protestors marched through the streets of London Saturday to voice their discontent after June's referendum vote to leave the European Union. The protestors, some carrying EU flags and others with faces painted in EU colours, carried placards with slogans like "Stop Brexit" and "We Need EU!" In the June 23 referendum, 51.9 percent of people voted to leave the European Union compared to 48.1 percent who wanted to stay in the 28-nation bloc.
Prime Minister Theresa May says her government will not trigger Article 50, the formal process for leaving the EU, before next year. "We don't want to leave the European Union," said one protestor, 42-year-old charity director David Hillman, who called for a second referendum. "I think the people here really hope that it won't happen... we're here to try and overturn this," he added. Comedian Eddie Izzard, who campaigned to stay in the EU, joined the demonstration sporting a pink beret. "Is it too late? No, we just keep fighting," he said. "Theresa May said Brexit means Brexit. What does Brexit mean? She doesn't know what it means." A smaller counter protest also took place featuring people in favour of leaving the EU. They carried banners with slogans like "No More Excuses, We Want Brexit Now".

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