Training outside Practice: ICAP presents Certificate of Induction to Unilever Pakistan

06 Sep, 2016

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) organised a ceremony to present the Certificate of Induction to Unilever Pakistan as a Training Organisation outside Practice, at ICAP Head office Karachi. Training outside Practice has gradually emerged as an international trend; the Institute after due diligence and taking on board all the stakeholders launched the Training outside Practice on August 22.
This initiative opens opportunities for the students as well as those who are already employed. Through Training outside Practice, students who do not wish to go down the traditional path of practice will be able to obtain industry specific experience leading to specialisation. Further, this will enable those who are already employed to develop their careers and join in the profession while working.
The ceremony was attended by ICAP president Hafiz Mohammad Vousaf, vice president Nadeem Vousuf Adil, Chairman Education and Training Committee (ETCOM) Syed Najamul Hussain, few other Council members and senior executives of ICAP. The Unilever Pakistan team was represented by Shazia Syed, chairperson Unilever Pakistan, Ali Tariq, chief financial officer, Naved Hashmi, corporate finance director and Saad Masood, chief accountant.
The president ICAP welcomed the guests and introduced the Council members and the management of the Institute. He emphasised on building a strong partnership with Unilever. He also briefed about various other initiatives that have been undertaken by ICAP.
The chairperson of Unilever Pakistan expressed Unilever's commitment to this initiative and "making this an industry norm". She said, "It's our duty to develop people business savvy with creative resources rather than in conventional ways." Ali Tariq the CFO Unilever informed that "Unilever is the biggest employer of CA professionals in the country and ICAP and Unilever share a common vision for the development of the industry."-PR

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