Message from Prime Minister Islamic Republic of Pakistan

09 Sep, 2016

I felt thrilled when I got the invitation from Mian Idrees to come here. As my connection with him is because of his father Mr Hajji Bashir who was exceptionally respectable and God-fearing man and to look after the poor he set up numerous social being organisations, which are commendable. Since then I have known Mian Idrees who has been Director and President of FPCCI and the way he worked with commitment and devotion, which has really turned into a verifiable part of the foundation, and we as a whole recognize his endeavours.
A plant that was planted by his father has turned into a tree and advancing. Allah is favouring him for his goodwill and diligent work. They do not do work on interest and their business is interest-free, this makes me trust that they are procuring paradise here and will be remunerated for their great deeds in heaven. I am sure Allah is satisfied with his father great deeds and may Allah rest his soul in peace. (Ameen)
I am satisfied to see investment proportion out in the public and private sectors. There was no power for industrial and private divisions 2 or 3 years back. You know this exceptionally well there were dissents on the regular routine. Indeed, even in Faisalabad individuals were denied of basic power need and compelled to tolerate 12 to 16 hours load shedding each day. Nobody even envisions that just in a little span of 2 years we minimize load shedding this much. With our endeavours now, we can give power to the industry sector with no gap. By the grace of Allah, one year from now circumstance will show signs of improvement. We are planning to get free out of load shedding by the end 2018. Our vision does diminish the power deficiency as well as give affordable power to all so products cost likewise decreased. This will expand our export and we will have the capacity to send out our items in world-wide markets to resuscitate our economy.
The increase in revenue will change the situations. This will end the unemployment and we will have the capacity to offer education to all. New framework and offices will help us to end destitution.
Ranchers will get profits by this as this will get change farming items. In the event that the essential necessity of power is not satisfied and we are live oblivious then in what capacity would we be able to advance? This is the ideal opportunity for last governments to answer the country for their most recent five years administrations and execution. What they have done to the country. Indeed, even a dictator ruled for a long time yet neither elected government nor a dictator served the country. Why is it so that no advancement was made after us? No motorway was developed despite the fact that this motorway should connect with Gwadar and all aspects of Pakistan.
By the grace of Allah, our government has finished three years and towards the start of 4th year, we spread motorways and highways network and have begun motorway from interstates system from Lahore to Multan and Multan to Sakhar. We have begun motorway from Karachi to Hyderabad and I am confident in a year or so we will inaugurate the portion from Hyderabad to Sakhar. Similarly, a motorway has begun in KPK Hazara too, which will be finished one year from now Inshallah. In what manner would we be able to encourage a farmer without roads? In what capacity would they be able to reach to markets without appropriate system? We are building motor-ways system to encourage them to reach farm markets. This is not a conventional project. At one hand, we are taking care of power issue and then again, we are giving country best infrastructure. By the grace of Allah, we are resuscitating our economy. As you effectively heard these things from Mian Idrees sb, so I do not have to say any further. Today Pakistan has gotten to be emerging economy not just a developing business sector and we think about this as an awesome achievement. All the advancement that we have made in most recent 2, 3 years are matter of fulfilment for us yet this is not the point of confinement we have far to go. In 1999, we were forefront in south Asia, which comprises of eight nations. Today we are rearmost nation as country made no achievements since we left. Still trust is there as we are advancing now. By the grace of Allah, our currency is steady, we are doing great in private sector, and new power projects are in pipeline. Neelam hydro power project was facing numerous issue however now we have sorted out every issue. Presently numerous other power plants are building in Punjab and different cities as well. In 1960, we were front line of Korea and today South Korea came at top and we are still there. It is the tough luck of Pakistan that we were bleeding edge in the past however neglected to keep up our position and we are one of the rearmost nations. The main reason is political instability and intermittence of strategies. Nevertheless, today again we are taking off for a prosperous future. May Allah keep us safe from every single stink eye. Mian Idrees sb projected couple of things and I was watching the institutions we are rectifying. PIA is top of the rundown. We have begun our undertaking to make PIA one of the top airline of the world. As you are watching premium service that is a superior service. I am expecting that the individuals who travel in this will deal with it and keep it clean. Just with your bolster, government and PIA can acquire improvement in administrations. Alhamdulillah now PIA new planes will fly from Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and from Faisalabad too, to Europe, China, Middle East, USA, and Canada. Railway is showing signs of improvement as well, as we have heard railway was in hopeless condition in the past however now it is in better condition and we are chipping away at it. I say before that, we are building power plants everywhere throughout the country to decrease the expense and raise the proportion of avail-ability. I am happy even in Thar coal power plants are building to create power from coal. In spite of the fact that we ought to have utilised this coal 50 years back yet it is uplifting news for us. Couple of years back Karachi was in masquerade, now with the assistance of armed force, police, and security organisation, we have acquired peace and flourishing Karachi. I salute to each one of the individuals who sacrificed their life for this mission. Karachi is Pakistan's industrial business HUB. Fear based oppression is not a conventional matter the way we battled against it was the hardest thing to do. However, still psychological warfare does little hostile assaults to debilitate us yet I need to say we are joined together and will diminish it soon. We are attempting to improve expectations for everyday comforts of the basic individuals. We are dispatching distinctive projects to encourage normal individuals with clean water, wellbeing offices, and instruction offices. a day prior to yesterday cabinet has chosen to dispatch this project. Inshallah we will reach to each edge of Pakistan. We will make organisations that are more instructive for young women. We are beginning a venture of 40 largest hospitals facility.
As you said Mobile Metering, I discussed this with Khuwaja Asif and I agree with this we can control over billing. We will spread this all over Pakistan. We launched it in LESCO, PEPCO, and FESCO and soon we will launch everywhere over the nation to get greatest advantages. As Mian Idrees wished to have a high court seat here in Faisalabad, we needed this as well however, high court rejected this.
I salute Mian Idrees to be one of the most taxpayers of the country. His endeavours are noteworthy, the way Mian Idres compliment his son I think this is exceptionally good if his child is supporting and being some assistance for him, he will too take this project to crest. I accept such private organisation assume a vital part to strengthen Pakistan. I guarantee you this procedure will not turn around now.
I guarantee of my every assistance and backing to Mian Idrees on the off chance that he has any issue regarding this force venture. I request Ghulam Dastegeer to appreciate this to expand trade.
Inshallah by the grace of Allah we will get advancement in Pakistan to give you comforts. May Allah favour Pakistan and allow us to serve this nation.

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