"The First Daughter tweeted that the First Father successfully presented the Kashmir issue in the UN General Assembly and has returned to Pakistan."
"And you said she wasn't Prime Minister material!"
"I don't get it - how did her tweet lead you to conclude that she is Prime Minister material?"
"Because my silly friend, someone who aspires to be the prime minister of this country would never ever let people like you determine the success or otherwise of their foreign tours or indeed any measure taken by them or their near and dear ones."
"Are you being facetious?"
"No I ask you: has Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif or former President Zardari or the Khan ever admitted that they were wrong about anything?"
"Zardari sahib is angry with the Sharifs and, according to some, regrets his 2014 support for the Sharif administration and the Khan regrets his second marriage and..."
"Those are conclusions, albeit legitimate conclusions that you may draw but have they openly admitted it?"
"OK, no but does that mean the First Daughter will now trump the First Brother?"
"In the subcontinent a daughter always trumps a brother and..."
"But she has no clue about constituency politics."
"There is still time to learn besides as long as Mian sahib is around she has a pretty good chance I reckon."
"Panama Papers..."
"Be damned... the people don't care how rich the family is, or how much they own outside the country..."
"Hmmm, but in her tweet did the First Daughter mention her dad's stay in London and the hefty parking fees doled out of the taxpayers' money and..."
"Petty cash my friend - for the treasury and need I add for the Sharifs but the principle, as per Mian sahib's triple 1 brigade is that surely as prime minister he is entitled to keep a plane parked in London at state expense and..."
"Triple 1 brigade?"
"Pervez Rashid, Danial Aziz and Talal Chaudhry with the Umer Brother replacing one of the three on occasion."
"And what does that make the First Daughter?"
"Chief of Army Staff."
"Oh you are being facetious."