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UNIDO, ICCI celebrate Green Industry Week

02 Nov, 2016

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) organised a five-day event, on "Fostering Green Entrepreneurship in Pakistan". The Unido-ICCI week started with Business Clinic to build capacity of youth start-ups for Unido launched annual competition titled "Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP)".
An Advocacy Campaign on "Women in Green Industry" was launched on the second day by the Federal Minister of Industries and Production (MoIP) to raise awareness, understand women-green industry nexus, and explore potential of initiating women led green industry start-ups with options to facilitate such initiatives. For enabling environment, a Policy Dialogue focusing on analysis of legislative and regulatory framework took place on the third day to analyse relevance of existing policies with green industry promotion and exploring opportunities for women.
The consultative session conducted a thorough review of the presented policies with proposed actions to make them more relevant and gender responsive. In this context, a mentor training session was also organised to sensitise potential mentors from ICCI and other partners to be able to extend mentorship to women led start-ups in future. Training session on mainstreaming Women in Business was the fifth topic of this series, which helped in understanding gender specific cultural and professional norms/issues along with overcoming strategies.
The training covered thematic areas such as, Gender Mainstreaming and green industry concepts with new opportunities for women in this non-traditional sector. The session continued until the last day with major focus on learning through experience sharing and from women led start-ups globally.
This focused learning for five days resulted into enhanced conceptual understanding of green industry and its potential for women, collection of new ideas for women-led start-ups, identification of a new set of interventions for advocacy campaign supported by vibrant partners for nation-wide implementation, a productive model of industry academia linkage and a functional model/strategy of Women Business Growth Centre.
The event strengthened the commitment of ICCI and all other partners and stakeholders to establish missing ecosystem for promoting green entrepreneurship in Pakistan. At this occasion, ICCI announced a comprehensive strategy for making Women Business Growth Centre more viable and customised to the needs of women.
In addition, a networking forum comprising of all relevant stakeholders from public and private sector, Academia, development practitioners was established to provide ecosystem support to green entrepreneurship in Pakistan. The event was heavily attended by the ICCI members, GCIP partners, government officials, private sector representatives, academia, media, women entrepreneurs, students and members of Women Business Growth Centre and other stakeholders.

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