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Resolution of energy, environmental issues urged

03 Nov, 2016

The national and international experts have underlined the need for resolving the issues of energy and environmental challenges for sustainable development in Pakistan as according to them no goal of development can be achieved for the betterment of the people.
They expressed these views while speaking at the 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, organised by Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro in joint collaboration with Energy and Environmental Engineering Group, US-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Water and Coventry University London.
The Managing Director Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) Syed Wamiq Bukhari, who was the chief guest at the inauguration session of the conference said that population in the country is growing with rapid pace and there is the need of effective utilization of energy and other available natural resources in order to save the future of the coming generations.
The energy and environmental experts have great responsibility to resolve the challenges in these sectors with advanced technologies and lay foundation of sustainable development in Pakistan, he said.
The Vice Chancellor Mehran University Professor Dr Muhammad Aslam Uqaili while welcoming the national and international experts hoped that they would prepare effective recommendations so that the same could be submitted to the government for implementation as well as the sustainable development in the country.
Former Environment Minister Italy and expert Professor Dr Corrado Clini while addressing the participants of the conference termed the energy and environmental challenges, the global issues and said that hectic efforts are required to tackle these issues amicably in the world particularly in developing countries including Pakistan, China and India.
In developing countries, he said that increasing population is the major issue where the introduction of renewable energy system could become effective in controlling the environmental issue as the traditional sources of energy like coal based plant could be harmful for environment.
Among others, Dr Jonathan Daniel Nixon and Dr Aslam Choudhry also addressed the participants of the inaugural session and shared their views on energy and environmental challenges.
A total of 337 papers from the international experts including Italy, Malaysia, UK, America, Saudi Arab, Japan and China were presented in the conference of which, the team of experts have selected 192 papers, read out in the technical session of the conference.

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