Ministry examining complaints against CEO NICL

21 Nov, 2016

Commerce Ministry is examining various complaints against Chief Executive Officer (CEO) National Insurance Corporation Limited (NICL) Capt Jamil Akhtar Khan (retired), well-informed sources told Business Recorder. The Prime Minister had set very strict criteria and parameters for the appointment of NICL's CEO and the Ministry is going through each and every paragraph of the laid down criteria to proceed against the incumbent CEO, the sources added.
"Ministry of Commerce is evaluating whether the performance of incumbent CEO is in accordance with the parameters set by the Prime Minister and what Capt. Jamil Akhtar Khan introduced in the organisation," the sources continued.
The incumbent CEO, sources said, has a number of personal issues and Ministry has received a number of complaints against him. The Ministry has also received complaints of sexual harassment against him, including one from a General Manager based in Islamabad.
"The CEO has created a number of problems for Ministry. He has made appointments without taking the Ministry on board and in violation of criteria of Establishment Division," the sources maintained.
Commerce Ministry has to consult four Federal Secretaries prior to submitting a summary for Capt Jamil Akhtar Khan's removal to the Minister for approval which would then be onset to the prime Minister for final approval.
Capt M Jamil Akhtar Khan (retired) was appointed CEO NICL on April 14, 2016 by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the approved terms and conditions.
CEO NICL had submitted an affidavit, claiming that he has not been convicted in criminal breach of trust, fraud, etc.
However, when contacted CEO NICL maintained that a fine of Rs 1 million was not imposed on him individually but on the company which went into appeal. He claimed that the amount of the fine was not Rs 1 million and requested this correspondent to verify it from the SECP.
SECP's Executive Director(Insurance) Nasreen Rashid, in her order had directed M/s Takaful Pakistan to deposit a fine of Rs 1 million in the designated bank account maintained in the name of SECP with MCB Bank.
CEO in his affidavit to the SECP claimed that: (i) he is not been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude; (ii) he has also not been convicted subject to adverse inquiry finding by the SECP or any other regulatory or professional body of Government; and (iii) he is not involved in the financial irregularities or malpractices in a company due to which the registration or licence of the Company has been revoked or cancelled or which has gone into liquidation or other similar proceeding.
An insider told this scribe that some employees of NICL are challenging the appointment of CEO NICL in Sindh Court.
When contacted Commerce Minister, Khurram Dastgir confirmed that Ministry has received complaints against the incumbent CEO NICL which are being examined. He also confirmed that complaints of sexual harassment against the CEO have landed in the Ministry and an office is verifying the health of complaints.
He further stated that Commerce Ministry is also reviewing the performance of NICL.
In reply to another question, Commerce Minister said that NICL is not actively pursuing scam's cases in courts which involves substantial amount.
"Prime Minister's office inquires about progress in NICL scam cases but no progress is witnessed by the Ministry so far. NICL management shifts responsibility on the FIA but the fact remains that no further recovery is made so far. We are now pushing NICL to follow the cases," he added.

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