Reforms: Session of consultation held with FATA parliamentarians

21 Nov, 2016

Fata Research Centre organized a Consultative session with Fata parliamentarians on the "Future of Governance Reforms in tribal areas".
The event was attended by the representatives of all major political parties of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA including Afrasiab Khattak (ANP), Farahatullah Babar (PPP), Al-haj Shah Jee Gul Afridi, Sajid Turi, Mukhtar Bacha (NP), Sahibzada Haroon Rasheed (JI), Jamal-ud-Din (JUI-F), Akhunzada Chattan (PPP), Shehryar Afridi (PTI), Barrister Salman Afridi (PTI), Ajmal Wazir (PML-Q) along with the representatives from different research institutes. All the participants except Jamal-ud-Din of JUI-F welcomed the merger of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and appreciated the endeavours of FRC in exploring public opinion and perception regarding FATA reforms.
While speaking on the occasion, Farahatullah Babar said that the merger of FATA into KP is the most feasible option; however, he criticised various aspects of Prime Minister's commission report on mainstreaming FATA including the provision of Riwaj Act and the distribution of development funds, allocated for FATA, through a bureaucratic office.
Afrasiab also favored the merger of FATA into KP on the basis of geographic and ethnic bonds. However, he said that merger should be materialized through the Parliament. He added that a census should be conducted prior to merger in order to ensure the proper representation of FATA in the provincial assembly.
"A special share in provincial cabinet should be allocated for FATA for at least 20 years to appease the people of FATA," stated Mr. Khattak. He also stressed upon the urgency of an empowered local government system in any future governance structure to be implemented in FATA.

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