PML-N government ignoring smaller provinces: Khattak

22 Nov, 2016

Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak has said that the Nawaz led federal government neither take care of the small federating units nor give any right to the people of small provinces. He would continue to raise voice against the injustices of Nawaz led establishment. This, he stated while giving interview to the Khyber Avt and News-1.
He headed 4 different meetings to review pace of progress on the development strategy of the province. He also met with a delegation of Nowshera at Chief Minister House Peshawar. The Chief Minister said that it was his party decision not to attend the joint parliamentary session. However, his decision to stay away from the meetings held for President of Turkey was because of the reality that it was simply a family affair. The foreign dignitaries when visit Pakistan, they confine to Islamabad and Lahore.
The federal government never consults the smaller federating units and he would not like to attend functions just for playing to the gallery. We have legitimate concern that the Nawaz led federation government was taking over the rights of smaller federating units. We raise voice against such injustices. It is unfortunate that our voice was silenced and even the lackeys of the Nawaz led PML-N go an extra mile to label us as disloyal to the country.
He made it clear the leadership might be against the leadership of other political parties but it does not mean the opposing leadership was against the state and the country. Unfortunately the ruling elite think that they are the state and they are the country. That is misfortune and that has become a culture in our country because the ruling elite were the product of illegitimacy and dictatorial regimes. We are free and not slaves. There is no monarchy in the country. The rulers make decisions for the country like it is their own fiefdom. We are integral part of the country and this should be respected by the Nawaz led federal establishment.
While replying to a question, the Chief Minister said that for the provincial rights he would cross all limits and get the constitutional rights of the province. He reminded that Pakistan is not a fiefdom of individuals. It is a country of 200 million and should be treated so. Sadly, the leadership at the centre irrespective of its legitimacy or illegitimacy has never been serious and was always kidding with the smaller federating units.
To another question, the Chief Minister said that his forefathers offered tremendous sacrifices for the country including the sacrifices they offered during Pakistan movement and libration of Kashmir. He questioned the leadership for cutting off the province from the rest of the country during November 2 Talashi movement. He said, he was going to Banigala at call of the leadership.
Our leadership had been besieged out there at Banigala for making a mere call of Islamabad lockdown. He questioned the wisdom for house arrest of Imran Khan and on the pretext, the federal government locked down the whole of the country. Ironically a mere call was a crime and the practical demonstration of lockdown of the whole of the country constituted no crime.
He said that he was going to move the court to settle the issue once for all as to whether the demonstration of power show by any political force was illegal or allowed under democratic dispensation. Probably the Nawaz led government did not know the democratic norms and we would keep on demonstrating for the establishment of true democratic values in the country.
No democratic government in the World over could use the government machinery for blocking a peaceful procession and demonstration. The barbaric attitude, the hooliganism and the use of brutal force by the federal government showed that the federal government had lost its legitimacy and forcibly stopping otherwise peaceful talashi march.

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