PARTLY FACETIOUS: Poverty is Anglo Saxon specific

24 Nov, 2016

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words would never hurt me."
"What's your parentage?"
"I am sorry?"
"Are both your parents Pakistani?"
"Yes they are, but why do you ask?"
"Because the proverb you cite is Anglo-Saxon specific and need I add there is many an Anglo Saxon who would break the bones of those who engage in personalised name calling..."
"And in the Land of the Pure name calling is time tested and an honoured profession and the government of the day since long hires specialists at the tax payers expense..."
"Are you being facetious?"
"No and I tell you, however, long a politician may have spent in Anglo Saxon countries and however many properties he or she may have in foreign lands name calling has not lost its shine."
"I don't get it!"
"Mian sahib spent so many years in Saudi Arabia and even today he spends all his vacations abroad, be they stop-overs in London to and from official engagements or going to pray at holy sites, the fact remains that he has an entire team of name callers reportedly led by the First Daughter....."
"Zardari sahib doesn't have a team anymore so perhaps if and when in federal government..."
"Zardari sahib is his own one man team, remember the diatribe over a year and a half ago..."
"But he unlike Mian sahib does learn lessons; now his name calling is limited to appointments..."
"Ha ha that's right and we need to admit that Zardari sahib doesn't really need any work in Sindh because the province remains his in spite of everything but he did add Bhutto as his children's middle name which is why many of his admirers wanted to give him a Phd in politics irrespective of party performance in 2013 elections."
"Right and the Khan's second wife while married to him referred to him as Khan sahib or Imran but after the divorce Niazi sahib."
"Hmmm, remind me who else refers to him as Niazi?"
"Ha ha, but I don't think the name is a support loser."
"I agree."

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