PBIF asks government to improve ranking on internet freedom index

24 Nov, 2016

President Pakistan Businessmen and Intellectuals Forum (PBIF), Mian Zahid Hussain has asked the government to improve its ranking on the international index of internet freedom. The internet is a key medium through people can express them and share ideas. It has become an important tool for activists to mobilise and advocate for political, social and economic reforms, he said.
Mian Zahid Hussain said that presently Pakistan is ranked with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and some other countries known for internet censorship and harsh punishments to those who violate their Draconian laws.
He said that internet surveillance, content blocking and harsh punishments are detrimental to social and economic progress therefore, government should take a soft view in case of violation.
He said that in the last 4 years, internet usage and punishments have doubled globally that should not be allowed.
Internet penetration stands at 18 percent in Pakistan despite best efforts of the stakeholders and electronic crimes law is set to dent it, he observed.
The business leader said that the bill was passed despite opposition from the stakeholders and civil society and now law enforcing agencies should not be allowed to play havoc with the masses in the name of national interests.
Suppressing voice of people who have no other option to bring injustice to limelight except internet is not something practised in civilised societies, he added.
Calling for greater transparency in the agencies dealing with internet crimes, he said that development without internet is a pipedream. India and Sri Lanka have been ranked above Pakistan in the Freedom on the Net 2016 index, he informed.

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