Tajikistan to enhance railway cooperation

24 Nov, 2016

Pakistan and Tajikistan on Wednesday decided to enhance railway cooperation. This understanding reached during a meeting of Sherali S Jononov, Ambassador of Tajikistan and Khawaja Saad Rafique, Minister of Railways. They exchanged views on matters of mutual interest and enhancing cooperation in railway connectivity via Afghanistan.
Tajik Ambassador mentioned that Pakistan was at a God Gifted location. "Pakistan is like a bridge. Connectivity is a basis of regional economic cooperation for Pakistan and other countries of the region including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, especially in the context of regional economic growth. All Central Asian Republics want to be connected to Gwadar Port."
"Railway connectivity through Afghanistan is important for cooperation with Central Asia," said Kh Saad Rafique. He believed that railway track between Torkham and Kabul, which would be later extended to Tajikistan and other Central Asian Republics, can usher in a new era of development for Pakistan and Afghanistan. He also mentioned that Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) was also playing an important role.
CAREC is a partnership of 10 countries working together to promote development cooperation leading accelerated growth besides envisioning implementation of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
Pakistan will soon complete its feasibility study on Peshawar-Jalalabad railway track. Pakistan is also taking an initiative to complete 11km railway track between Chaman and Spinbaldak. This track will be funded under PM package for reconstruction of Afghanistan.-PR

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