Putin hands action star Seagal Russian passport

26 Nov, 2016

President Vladimir Putin on Friday personally handed a new Russian passport to US action star Steven Seagal and said he hoped the gesture showed a "normalisation" of strained relations with Washington. Sitting at a round table in the Kremlin at a televised meeting, Putin showed the Hollywood actor where to sign the passport.
They then rose and shook hands with Putin saying briefly: "I congratulate you," and Seagal answering in Russian: "Spasibo bolshoye," or thank you very much.
The Kremlin released a transcript of their chat, with Putin saying that they had been discussing citizenship for "quite a while" and agreed it must be an "absolutely depoliticised act."
Putin said he hoped that adding Seagal to the list of celebrities who have gained Russian citizenship in recent years could be seen as "a sign of gradual normalisation of the relations between our countries." Seagal called the passport a "great honour," while Putin responded by telling him he hoped "our personal relationship will remain and continue."

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