Woman abuse

27 Nov, 2016

"A healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers" Well a few days ago, i was wrapping up my work and got some time to chit chat with my colleague. He is a qualified accountant and pursuing training in an accountancy firm. Discussion was quite formal and I was impressed on knowing that the people from interior areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are getting more education and medical awareness. They have positive views towards women education and don't find it wrong if their women strive to pursue professional careers.
After having a wonderful conversation and I was about to change my mind of what I heard since childhood of woman abuse in KPK suddenly we switched to discuss about strictness of parda and consequences if a woman does not wish to cover herself. To my surprise if a woman is found negligent in observing parda or if she doesn't want to cover herself, their men scold them real hard and even physically harm them. Beating up a woman is no solution. In the words of Aisha Mirza: "It is not the bruises that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind".

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