Mamnoon addresses convocation of Ripah International university

27 Nov, 2016

President Mamnoon Hussain on Saturday urged the youth to keep themselves fully abreast with the global changes and technology savvy world, so that they can play an effective role in the progress and development of the country. Contrary to the past, he said this era was not only spearheaded by the fast paced technology, but new concepts and realities were emerging as well.
Addressing at the Convocation of Ripah International University, the President reminded the students that a full comprehension and adaption of these transformations were inevitable to achieve national objectives. It was also equally important to understand the factors that pushed this region into unrest and instability; promoted extremism and caused unprecedented bloodshed, which not only affected Pakistan but the whole region, he added.
The President said besides emerging changes in the arena of international politics, it was also important for the youth to realize the global economic trends for their future challenges and opportunities. As a result of the emerging global scenario and the new alignments, this region has got special importance, he said, adding it was in this backdrop that the national leadership had undertaken a long term strategy and launched the Economic Corridor with the cooperation of our great friend China.
He noted with satisfaction that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was currently in the completion phase and with the grace of A;,ogjtu Allah trade convoys had also started moving under it. This corridor was in a way an extension of the historic Silk Route, which would not only benefit this region but the whole world, he added. He said new prospects of development and progress had emerged from the being operational of Gwadar Port where first trade cargo had been sent.
The President noted with appreciation that Russia and Central Asian Republics (CARs) had also expressed their keen interest and desire to become a part of CPEC and benefit from the vast connectivity opportunities being created. He said efforts were on to make Diamer Bhasha Dam a part of the CPEC. A number of wind, solar, coal and nuclear energy projects were also being implemented; he said adding that there was no change in CPEC Western route.
The President about the steps taken by the current government for the economic turnaround said it had paid back $10 billion debt with interest out of the total $15 billion of the past regimes, whereas the foreign reserves had surged to $24 billion. The President said the role of Pakistan and China for including all countries of the region in CPEC, a project of progress and prosperity would be written in the history in golden words.
He said for availing these opportunities created for Pakistan's stability and prosperity, the youth would have to prepare themselves with the latest knowledge, skills and expertise.
While without compromising on ideologies and national objectives, they have to conform to the global system, and put his region on the road of progress and stability, by taking it out from the clutches of war and conflicts, he added. He also regretted that during previous regimes, corruption had left the country lagging behind in respect of progress and development.
The President hoped that everybody in the country would now contribute towards completion of all the development projects, so that the dreams of our Quaid and Allama Iqbal should be realized. Dr Mukhtar, Chairman Higher Education Commission, Hassan Muhammad Khan, Chancellor (Designate), Professor Dr Anis Ahmad, Vice Chancellor and ambassadors of China, Mauritius and Oman were also present on the occasion. Extending his heartiest congratulations to the successful students, the President expressed his confidence that they would serve the country and nation.

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