Cloudy weather with light rain for upcountry: Met

30 Nov, 2016

The Met Office on Tuesday forecast a cloudy weather for upcountry with light rain and snowfall in mountainous areas in the next 24 hours. It said that shallow foggy conditions were likely to prevail over plain areas of Punjab and Upper Sindh during morning hours but cold and dry weather elsewhere in the country.
"A shallow westerly wave is affecting upper parts of the country and likely to persist during next 24 hours," the Met Office said, adding light rain with snowfall over at isolated hilly areas in Malakand and Hazara Divisions, besides Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan was expected during evening/night. Temperature in Skardu plunged to minus 4 degrees Celsius, Kalat minus 2, Gilgit, Astore, Kalam, Quetta and Gupis minus 1, each.

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