Call to promote harmony, forgiveness, patience & brotherhood

30 Nov, 2016

"There is a dire need to promote harmony, forgiveness, patience and brotherhood as per injection of Islam keeping in view that tolerance is declining in the society," said renowned anchorperson and Islamic scholar Syed Bilal Qutab.
He delivered a public lecture titled peace, tolerance and harmony at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad at New Senate Hall. The lecture was arranged by Senior Tutor Office, UAF in collaboration with Punjab Information Department. He stressed upon the need to iron out difference prevailing in Muslim Ummah and work collectively for implementing golden principles of Islam.
He called for illuminating people's hearts with the love of Allah, last and final Messenger Hazarat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and his companions. He stressed the need to promote culture of unity and tolerance in the society to fight the common challenges of Muslim world. He stressed upon the need to develop the Taqwa in our lives. He said that the nucleus of faith is to respect and give value to others.
He said we should get the guideline from the life of last and final Prophet (PBUH) and follow in his footprints to become a good Muslim to make the development and get the Nijat at the Day of Judgment Senior Tutor Athar Javaid said spending the life as per injections of Quran and Sunnah is the guarantee of a bright future not only in the world but also afterwards.
He also said the footprints of Holy Messenger, who is a role model for all Muslims, must be followed. Dr Tahir Siddique said that with the arrival of the last and final Messenger (PBUH), the darkness of ignorance had disappeared and rays of light surfaced everywhere. He also stressed the need to understand the Quran with translation to become a true Muslim.

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