National Assembly condemns Indian truce violations on LoC

01 Dec, 2016

The National Assembly has unanimously passed a resolution condemning cease-fire violations on the Line of Control (LoC) and gross human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir by the Indian troops. The resolution was moved by Minister for Law and Justice, Zahid Hamid in the House here on Wednesday and the House unanimously approved the resolution. The resolution urged upon the international community to take notice of atrocities perpetrated by the Indian forces on the people of Kashmir.
It strongly denounced the Indian escalation on the Line of Control and the Working Boundary in an effort to divert the world's attention from the tense situation in Occupied Kashmir. The resolution also condemned the continued unprovoked ceasefire violations by the Indian occupied forces on the LoC and Working Boundary, which resulted into the loss of innocent human lives including women and children.
It added that the deliberate targeting of a civilian bus carrying women and children in Azad Kashmir is deplorable. According to the resolution, "India's lack of co-operation and limited access to the UN Military Observer Group to fulfil its mandate like monitoring of ceasefire violations at the LoC is appalling." It lauded the bravery and unwavering commitment of the Armed Forces of Pakistan for giving a befitting response to the Indian unprovoked firing along the LoC.
It called upon the UN Security Council to take immediate notice of unprovoked Indian actions and statements that are a threat to the regional peace and security and may lead to strategic miscalculation. The resolution condemned the brutal unabated use of force by the Indian occupied forces in Azad Jammu & Kashmir, which resulted into deaths of more than 150 innocent people during recent past. It said that the use of pellet guns by the Indian forces has resulted into severe eye injuries to more than one thousand people. The resolution also expressed concern over the arrest of Hurriyat leaders, human rights activists, journalists and other political activists by the Indian administration. It said that the people of Pakistan stand united with the just struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to achieve their birth right to self-determination.

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