Message from Secretary Health, Sindh

02 Dec, 2016

It's an honor for the Health Department, Government of Sindh to contribute with international community on this auspicious occasion of World AIDS Day by demonstrating solidarity with people living with HIV/AIDS through positive actions and mobilization of available resources. Sindh Government is putting utmost efforts in order to halt the morbidity and mortality associated with HIV/AIDS. All stakeholders including international partners have shown their commitment and recognised HIV/AIDS as major threat to the region's overall development including economic transformation.
At the same time Health Department with technical support development partners and important stakeholders has scaled up AIDS responses and has made notable progress across South the province in line with Regional Strategy on HIV/AIDS with the vision to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and to remove the social determinants prevailing in the region in different ways.
We hope to make this World AIDS Day a success by achieving our fast-track targets. It is the success for the Department that Sindh has become the first province in the country through development of Karachi City Focus Strategy Plan on HIV/AIDS. The strategy has been adopted and is part of Phase-II of the scheme for FY 2016-19. I urge the people of Sindh to come forward, take ownership of the program and assist the Government in reaching the targeted population to achieve the desired results.

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