HIV/AIDS Fast Track Approach and its importance in eliminating HIV/AIDS in Sindh

02 Dec, 2016

Government of Sindh joined the global Fast-Track Movement earlier this year with renewed and redoubled efforts to end HIV/AIDS in Pakistan and Sindh. This World AIDS Day let's take a look at the sustainable goals and targets of the Fast-Track Approach and try to understand its importance in preventing HIV.
Global Fast-Track Approach aims to rapidly increase efforts and services in the next five years to control HIV virus from spreading. The programs and services focus on high-impact people and locations for greater results. Special focus will be given to Karachi and Larkana through direct community driven strategic interactions. In this way Program will try to reach the identified objectives by end of the stipulated time ie June 2019. This will help in mitigating social & economic impact of the disease in Pakistan in general and in Sindh in particular.
In this resource constraint setting, the scope of services designed is more focused, especially in areas having more burden of disease and most beneficial to the targeted population with aim to have maximum impact. This World AIDS Day the global theme hands up for HIV Prevention supports the fast-track goals and targets and aims to reduce the spread of HIV virus through prevention. Enhanced HIV/AIDS Control Program is striving hard to meet the fast-track targets by 2020 and achieve significant results.
-- Fast-Track Approach
-- Fast-Track Targets
-- By the year 2020
-- 90-90-90
HIV Treatment: 90% of people know their HIV status / 90% HIV positive people receive antiretroviral therapy I 90% of people on treatment have a suppressed viral load 500,000 New HIV infections or less a 75% reduction in HIV infections globally, compared with 2010
Zero Discrimination For people living with HIV virus or AIDS By the year 2030
-- 95-95-95
-- HIV Treatment
-- 200,000
-- New HIV infections or less
-- Zero Discrimination
-- Year 2030 would mark the end of AIDS epidemic
-- Benefits of Fast-Track Approach
-- 21 Million
-- AIDS related deaths prevented by 2030
-- 5.9 Million
-- Children prevented from infections by 2030
-- 28 Million
-- HIV infections averted by 2030
-- 15-Fold
-- Return on HIV investments
As per the UN Report, Karachi - Pakistan was among the countries that account for 89% of all new HIV infections. By implementing Fast-Track Approach in Karachi global Fast-Track Targets can be met. Thus, making Pakistan AIDS free by 2030.

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