Nuclear radiation: experts underline safety instructions during tests

03 Dec, 2016

One-Day lecture in collaboration with National Institute of Safety and Security, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) on "Applications of Ionizing of Radiations in Everyday Life, its Hazards and Means of Protection" was held at the Institute of Physics, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Asad Raza Goraya, Principal Scientific Officer (PNRA) was the facilitator of the seminar.
In his seminar lecture, Goraya highlighted the application of radiations in daily life ie in industry, medical, agricultural and in routine consumer product. He also brought under discussion the possible radiation effects and means of protection from them. He observed the majority public was getting radiation exposures from radiology equipments like x-ray machines. Goraya also outlined the methods to reduce this exposure.
He advised the participants and the general public not to conduct x-rays without prescription of a professional medical practitioner, not to repeat x-ray without strong justification, to avoid standing in x-ray room with patient. He further suggested that the medical tests involving ionization of radiations may not be conducted during a female pregnancy. He emphasized on public to always observe safety instructions as prescribed by various hospital personnel.
Khayam Amar Samejo, Senior Engineer (PNRA) also shared his experiences on this occasion. Earlier, Dr Riaz Hussain Mari, Associate Professor, Institute of Physics and Coordinator of this seminar welcomed the seminar participants. In his welcome note, Dr Mari thanked Professor Dr Muhammad Siddique Kalhoro, Vice-Chancellor University of Sindh for his permission to conduct this seminar and for his subsequent support and patronage. Dr Mari also extended his gratefulness to the speakers ie Asad Raza Goraya and Khayam Amar Samejo for their time and valuable input on the giving theme.
The others prominent scholars who attended this seminar included Professor Dr Syed Tufail Hussain Sherazi, Professor Dr Nek Muhammad Shaikh, Director, Institute of Physics, Dr Amna Baloch, Imran Halepoto and a large number of teachers, researchers and students.

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