Siraj-ul-Haq warns government of long march if FCR not abolished

05 Dec, 2016

Jamaat-e-Islami ameer, Senator Sirajul Haq has warned the government to hold long-march to Islamabad, it was failed to implement the report of Fata reforms committee in its letter and true spirit, and abolish the Frontier Crime Regulation from Federally Administered Tribal Areas, within next two-month.
He was addressing at a grand tribal 'jirga' against the imposition of FCR in Federally Administered Tribal Areas, held at Al-Markaz-e-Islami here on Sunday. Besides, JI provincial ameer, Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, Fata ameer Haji Sardar Khan, provincial deputy ameer, Sahibzada Haroonur Rashid, Zarnoor Afridi, and office-bearers from various tribal agencies, tribal elders, poets, lawyers, and others were participated in the jirga. The participants raised full-throated voices against the FCR.
Sirajul Haq said the tribesmen had played an important role in protection of borders, despite the fact they are facing difficulties and deprived from all fundamental rights, due to imposition of the draconian law, FCR on them.
Tribal people are patriotic, and peaceful, who rendered matchless sacrifices for motherland", the JI chief said. He said Fata had deliberately kept in all fields, whereas no education and health facilities were available to people in Fata. He further said that tribal people don't have access to the courts, and there was not established any institution to make legislation for them.
The JI chief said that Fata was not given representation in provincial legislative assembly, while Fata parliamentarians were not authorised to make legislation for their respective tribal agencies.
"Tribesmen want to get rid from FCR for sake of their coming generation, besides provision of best education and health facilities in Fata", Haq said. He said all fundamental rights have been violated under the black law in tribal regions, adding that tribal people unanimously agreed to immediate abolish the FCR.
About the holding referendum in Fata, Sirajul Haq said that it was the demand of a group of people getting incentives from political administration, which didn't want to get rid the tribal people from FCR. He, however, warned them that they will also not safe from this law.
JI chief asked the government to implement report of Fata reforms committee led by PM Advisor on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, within next 60 days. Otherwise, the JI leaders, activists, along with tribal people would hold long-march to federal capital Islamabad. While, the participants of the tribal jirga, also endorsed the demand of JI ameer, Sirajul Haq by standing ovation and by making solidarity signs on the occasion.
Sirajul Haq said that JI led by Qazi Hussain Ahmad had struggled for right of tribal people and supported in their time testing situations. He said that JI parliamentarians have moved a resolution, seeking abolishment of Frontier Crime Regulation law in Fata.
He said the government sponsored Fata reforms committee had proposed the abolishment of FCR from tribal agencies, saying that they would not tolerate any delaying tactics regarding implementation of the committee report.

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