World Soil Day 2016 observed at SAU Tandojam

06 Dec, 2016

World Soil Day celebrated at Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam under the International Theme 2016 "Soils and Pulses, a Symbiosis of Life" followed by formal walk to Aware the importance of soil as a critical component of natural system as a vital contributor to human wellbeing.
While addressing the event Professor Dr Mujeebuddin Memon Sahrai Vice Chancellor, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam said that soil constitute the foundation for agricultural development, essential ecosystem functions and food security and hence are key to sustaining life on Earth, Recognising that the sustainability of soils is key for sustainable agriculture to secure world food for growing population. He further added that currently due to soil erosion, mismanagement and anthropologic activities, the current soil is not functioning properly, However land degradation, soil pollution and environmental threats are the key issues and call upon the stakeholders, academia and government policy makers for the establishing road map to ensure soil management practices from grass root level.
During the event Professor Dr Inayatullah Rajpar Chairman, Department of Soil Science said that productive land is being utilised through commercialising and construction of the housing schemes, soil erosion, and sea intrusion, lack of knowledge and lack of farmers' awareness for proper use of fertilising is hampering issues related with soil. He suggested that crop rotation, managing crop residues, judicial use of irrigation and fertiliser, managing soil, calcareous soils through bio saline agriculture may improve soil fertility to produce healthy food for growing population.
Dr Muhammad Ismail Kumbhar, Director, University Advancement and Financial Assistance highlighted the importance of Soil and added that due to increase in sodic in the soil, climate change, water logging, soil depletion and lack of organic matter and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilisers and pesticide in the soil creates a dangerous and alarming situation in Sindh Province. He suggested that the government should take necessary measures for long term soil fertility and sustainability to improve the soil quality in soil health, environmental protection for the socio-economic and wellbeing of the farming community.
Dr Shaukat Abro, Assistant Professor, Department of Soil Science and event co-ordinator said that soil is the backbone of agriculture and soil produce food almost all billions of living micro organisms and mother of all of us. He added that this event will be helpful for the stakeholders especially for the students and farmers for adoption of the practices. During the event Dr Aijaz Ali Khooharo, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, large number of students, faculty members, experts participated in the event.

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