Karachi among 10 unsuitable cities for living in the world

06 Dec, 2016

Pak Sar Zameen Party Chief Mustafa Kamal said MQM's enmity for the country has proven yet people are being befouled by terming founder of MQM as national leader and hero. He was speaking at the Lahore High Court Bar Association here Monday. MQM leadership and the government policies have ruined Karachi and it is the need of the hour to bring it back to the life, Pak Sarzameen Party head Mustafa Kamal said. He added refugees living in Karachi are well wishers of the country but MQM's anti state policies have landed them in confusion.
Kamal said Karachi is among 10 non suitable cities for living in the world due to long anti-Karachi steps taken by the rulers. He left the MQM leaving all of his engagements and lucrative post of a senator and decided to raise voice against the cruelty. He could be a target of MQM leadership even then he decided to raise voice for the welfare of the people and my country.
He said Karachi was a bouquet of flowers, and used to accommodating people from all areas of the country to earn their livelihood. Kamal said 25 million children are out of schools, more than 3.5 lac children go to hospitals due to shortage of food and malnutrition. He wants democracy in every street of the country and added development projects are executed through local governments in all over the world. Corruption cannot be controlled through NAB and instead it should be controlled through local governments.

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