Seminar on National Voters Day held in Hyderabad

08 Dec, 2016

The Election Commission of Pakistan celebrated the National Voters Day across country on December 7, 2016 at national, provincial and district level. In this connection, the National Voters day was celebrated in District Hyderabad.
A seminar was organised by Imtiaz Ali Kalhoro, District Election Commissioner Hyderabad at District Council Building Hyderabad. The event was attended by Muatasum Abbasi, Deputy Commissioner Hyderabad Syed Tayyab Hussain, Mayor Municipal Corporation Hyderabad, Badar Ali Memon, Chairman District Council Hyderabad, officers from Education Department, professors, lecturers, along with a large number of students from different colleges and officers of other line departments, people belonging to different NGOs, civil society organisations and disabled persons participated. The formation of District and Voters Education Committee was also told to the participants working on voters education campaign in District Hyderabad.
Imtiaz Ali Kalhoro District Election Commissioner Hyderabad highlighted the National Voters Day importance and its celebration across the country and shared the figures focusing on low registration of voters particularly to fill the gap of male and female voters, inclusion of marginalized groups in election activities and to create awareness regarding importance of vote in general public and to increase the turn-out in next general elections.
Badar Ali Memon Chairman District Council Hyderabad and Syed Tayyab Hussain appreciated the efforts of Election Commission of Pakistan to celebrate the National Voters Day and assured their full co-operation to promote the voters education campaign in the district.
Muatasum Abbasi Deputy Commissioner Hyderabad appreciated the event and on behalf of District Administration assured the participants that all out efforts would be carried out to mobilise the general public to create awareness amongst the people regarding importance of voters, registration of voters so that voters turn-out can be increased in the next general elections to help facilities Election Commission of Pakistan to achieve the target.

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