'Quality seed, modern sowing methods to help increase agri output'

08 Dec, 2016

The agriculture productivity of the country can be increased manifold by applying the available system including quality seed, sowing methods, balanced usage of inputs, methods to reduce post harvest losses and proper spray of pesticides, said University of Agriculture Faisalabad Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan.
He was talking to the participants of annual function of the Department of Entomology here. He said that the awareness about agri practices was imperative to narrow down the gap between the progressive and ordinary farmers. He also stressed upon the need to raise the investment on the agricultural research and development. He said that in India, percentage on research is three times more than us.
He called for diversification in the crops as we are only stuck to five crops whereas we can grow more than 400 crops in the country due to best ecosystem. Talking about education, he said that quality education works as an engine of the development. The UAF was making all-out efforts to ensure the quality education and provide the new avenue of knowledge sharing for the students. He said that only education could eradicate injustices and social disparities. He said that the country was blessed with tremendous resources. There is a need to tap the potential.
He praised the Department of Entomology for producing a quality manpower and research in the area of the agriculture. He also stressed he the researchers to come up with out-of-the-box solutions to problems of the general public and farming community. He said that the university was making all-out efforts to ensure quality education at par with international standards.
Chairman Department of Entomology Professor Dr Jalal Arif said that Punjab government was formulating a comprehensive Agriculture Policy under the convenership of Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan to address the issue of the farming community and make the sector profitable. He said that the University leadership was taking all measures to address the issues of the farming community not only at the farmer's doorsteps but also at the governmental level. He said the Department of Entomology BS program had gained 70 students of 3 plus CGPA.
Dr G Christopher Cutler from Dalhousie University Canada said that the University of Agriculture Faisalabad and Dalhousie University Canada have launched a joint degree program BS (Plant Sciences). He said that Pakistan was having a rich culture and loving people. The students of the Department enthralled the audience with the performances presenting the colors of all provinces. The students also come up with the different skits.

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