Companies Ordinance 2016Z: awareness session of SECP Registrars held

08 Dec, 2016

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) held a two-day interactive awareness session of Registrars deputed in the various Companies Registration Offices on recently promulgated Companies Ordinance, 2016 (the "Ordinance"), at head office, Islamabad. The new Ordinance was discussed at length especially in light of the comments received from the stakeholders and practical difficulties being faced by the CRO's with respect to smooth implementation of the Ordinance.
Speaking on the occasion the Chairman SECP Zafar Hijazi especially referred to a few critical remarks coming from some quarters said that we recognise any fair criticism in respect of maintaining Companies' Global Register of Beneficial ownership especially with regards to foreign companies. He said that now when the ordinance is being considered by National Assembly Standing Committee on Finance, the SECP will put all such points raised about the ordinance before the committee in order to reach an appropriate solution. It was acknowledged that positive feedback has been received by the CRO's from the corporate sector and experts as overall emphasis of the Ordinance is on promoting ease of doing business in Pakistan.
Requirements of filing and registration have been simplified with a proactive thrust towards automation, ie e-filing which has particularly made life simpler for companies especially single-member companies and companies with small capital.-PR

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