Egyptian police arrest Morsi son

09 Dec, 2016

Egyptian police on Thursday arrested the son of former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on charges linked to a protest against his father's ouster that resulted in hundreds of deaths, officials said. Osama Morsi's lawyer Abdel Moneim Abdel Maksoud said police arrested him at his home in the Nile Delta city of Zagazig, and security officials confirmed the arrest.
Osama Morsi, a lawyer himself, has been charged in a mass trial already under way over the bloody dispersal of an Islamist protest camp in August 2013 in which police killed hundreds of demonstrators, Abdel Maksoud told AFP. About 10 policemen were also killed by protesters during the dispersal of the sit-in in Cairo. It was the bloodiest day in a relentless crackdown on Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood movement after the army, spurred by mass protests, ousted the Islamist president in July 2013.

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