FIO orders payment of Rs seven million to complainant

09 Dec, 2016

The complainant/policy holder Raja Haider Ali lodged a complaint with Federal Insurance Ombudsman against Insurance Company for non-settlement of his claim amounting to Rs 11,373,385 for the last several years. After receiving the Survey Report by the Respondent Company, they agreed to pay Rs 2200,000 but the complainant was not satisfied with the amount as offered by the Respondent Company in the form of full and final settlement of the complainant's claim.
The complainant approached Federal Insurance Ombudsman for redressal of his grievances. The matter was heard by the Federal Insurance Ombudsman and after conducting extensive hearings, Federal Insurance Ombudsman finally directed the Respondent Company to settle the claim by payment of Rs 7,000,000 (seven million) to the complainant in compensation to the damage caused due to flood and storm.
The Federal Insurance Ombudsman has been pleased to pass an order to pay Rs 7,000,000 (seven million) immediately to the complainant in the interest of justice. The Respondent Insurance Company agreed and assured to comply with the order of Federal Insurance Ombudsman. The complainant showed satisfaction to the order of Federal Insurance Ombudsman and thanked for intervention which forced the Respondent Company to settle his long awaited claim.-PR

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