My-Karachi, Oasis of Harmony: KCCI to arrange 14th international exhibition

11 Dec, 2016

The Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) has planned to hold its 14th flagship three days International Exhibition 2017 on "My-Karachi, Oasis of Harmony from 7th to 9th April 2017 at Karachi Expo Centre which was one more continuation of KCCI annual event. The purpose of holding this exhibition was to introduce and popularize "Made in Pakistan" brand and negate the negative propaganda against Pakistan and show the world that this is a dynamic country.
In 2004, Chairman Businessmen Group & Former President KCCI Siraj Kassam Teli came up with a brilliant idea of organizing 'My Karachi Exhibition' to promote the positive image of Karachi and counter all the negative propaganda by western media. With the passage of time, 'My Karachi' has become a well-known brand name and an icon of success for KCCI which depicts the determination, courage and entrepreneurial zeal of the people of Karachi.
The organizers of the exhibition are expected a huge turnover of general public .The chamber has designed14th "My-Karachi, Oasis of Harmony Exhibition 2017" to act as the avenue for interactive (B2B) business-to-business linkages and (B2C) business to consumer relationship.
This exhibition will provide a perfect platform for business-to-business, business to-consumer meetings and also helps in marketing products to the consumers and business counterparts. My-Karachi Exhibition is a showcase platform for domestic and global products and services to small traders, large industries, manufacturers, service providers, multinational companies, financial institutions and social welfare agencies of Pakistan
Leading Pakistani companies and multinationals and foreign exhibitors will display their products in six halls. Last year over 600,000 visitors had come and shopped in style, corporate entities met and strengthen relationships and My Karachi ensured that the image of Pakistan and Karachi was projected and enhanced each year.

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