KP senator becomes first woman minister to get HR award

12 Dec, 2016

Senator Sitara Ayaz from Awami National Party awarded for National Award for human rights by President of Pakistan. Sitara Ayaz who is hailing from village Jhanda, District Swabi of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was among the founders of Women Action Forum in Peshawar back in 1992 when it was a taboo to talk about women rights in a Pukhtoon Society, according to statement issued here on Sunday.
Along with she has the credit of being one of the founder members of Human Rights Committee Peshawar Chapter. She has served as Directress APWA Peshawar for 3 years.
During her tenure, so many welfare projects were working under APWA for the social and financial well being of women. She was managed to sum all the projects very smoothly, contributing a lot to the uplift of Pukhtoon women. She is the first active politician from District Swabi who has created a history in being the first women minister in the entire history of politics of the provinces.
During her tenure as a minister, she has the credit to pass bill against old custom "Ghag". She passed the bill and established provincial commission on status of women and children. She was the first one to represent women harassment act in assembly of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and played active role in implementation of this act in province. She established a model women shelter home for homeless women in KP.
She has faced so many hurdles and because of her courageous acts, she has been politically and personally victimised but did not give up her mission.
Being a senator, she is a member of senate human rights committee and as an active human rights activist, she has always emphasised to uplift women but within limits that the religion has set for a women.
She is not only appreciated by the liberal minded people of society but the religious nominated people also have an optimist thinking for her. Her services are recognised by the Federal Government and she is again the first women from KP for receiving National human rights award on 10th Dec, 2016.

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